

Lust is any intense esire or craving for self gratification and excitement. Lust can mean strictly sexual lust, although it is also common to speak of a "lust for men", "lust for blood (bloodlust for short)" or a "lust for power", or other goals and to "lust for love". The Greek word which translates as lust is epithymia (επιθυμια), which also is translated into English as "to covet".

Trivia about lust

  • One-seventh of the "Deadly Sins"(4)
  • Van Gogh's was "for life" according to Irving Stone
  • Lecherousness (put down that copy of Maxim, pal)
  • In titles, 4-letter word that precedes "for Life", "in the Dust" & "for a Vampire"
  • Deadly sin mentioned in the title of Irving Stone's Van Gogh book