

Macrocephaly (from the Greek wors μακρύς, meaning "long", and κεφάλη, meaning "head"), is when the head circumference is greater than 2 standard deviations above the mean (>98th percentile) for the age and sex of the infant or child.

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Tweets about macrocephaly

  • Father? I think your bowtie is on too tight. #Macrocephaly
  • Personal Barista - Macrocephaly
  • ...speech eval at Children's. New endo in fall will add thyroid bloodwork with his own testing. Macrocephaly diagnosis changed to...
  • #PRT Macrocephaly XD !!
  • @SECERIOusly @elainefabella macrocephaly d/t hydro in cephalad #bigwurdsssss
  • That kid with the big head in those videos has to have either some type of dwarfism or macrocephaly
  • @TheAngryDM macrocephaly is real. and Halfling Macrocephaly is very real, as seen in the phb.