

A maphack is a cheat in real-time strategy games that enables the player to see more of the map than the game intens them to see. A common feature in multiplayer real-time strategy games is the inability for the player to see outside the visibility range of the individual units and buildings that the player controls. This concept is called the fog of war. Maphacking enables a cheating player to bypass the fog of war, giving them an advantage over a player who is playing legitimately. This advantage is quite large for most of the real-time strategy games that rely on the rock-paper-scissors dynamic to balance out the units' varying strengths and weaknesses.

Tweets about maphack

  • Do not forget about this : Diablo 3 SPEED GOLD MAPHACK WORKING HACK v2.2.1
  • f*ta maphack ta bi! tss
  • Look at this League Of Legends Hack! WORKING MAPHACK AND RIOT POINTS WWOW #LOL
  • Dota 2 maphack
  • @deciduity yeap and people will realise you cannot give ice3 np. he will just outgame you with his treants and maphack.
  • @iGChuaN report ChuaN mirana plz. maphack ;)
  • RT @ZeratoRSC2: gg @FnaticxPeke Maphack