margaret sanger


The Maggie Awards given by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America are named for her

Trivia about margaret sanger

  • "Motherhood In Bondage" is one of the books by this birth control pioneer
  • She had her say in a 1922 book, "Women, Morality And Birth Control"
  • Soon after she opened the USA's first birth control clinic, the police raided it & sent her to jail
  • This author of "My Fight for Birth Control" was married twice & known to have many lovers
  • (Hi, I'm Dana Delany.) As a pro-choice advocate, I was happy with the title "Choices of the Heart", in which I played this pioneering birth control advocate
  • She is credited with coining the term "birth control"
  • Trained as a nurse at White Plains hospital, she's credited with coining the term "birth control"