martin luther


Martin Luther (November 10, 1483–February 18, 1546) was a German monk, theologian, university professor an church reformer whose ideas inspired the Protestant Reformation and changed the course of Western civilization.

Trivia about martin luther

  • On June 27, 1525 he married former nun Katherine von Bora
  • In 1517 he wrote, "The treasures of indulgences are nets with which they now fish for the wealth of men"
  • In 1520 he wrote Pope Leo X, "Let no person imagine that I will recant"
  • This leader of the Reformation was born in Eisleben, Saxony November 10, 1483
  • This Protestant reformer had a debate at Leipzig with Johann Eck about the papacy in 1519
  • After Charles V, this priest is the next person mentioned by name in the 1521 edict of the Diet of Worms
  • His thesis No. 77 says it's blasphemy that the cross on the papal arms is of equal power to Jesus' cross
  • While hidden at Wartburg Castle in 1521, this man began his German translation of the New Testament
  • This German's attacks on the Roman Catholic church began the Reformation
  • In 1524 peasants, influenced by the teachings of this German religious leader, started an uprising
  • In his 1520 "Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation", he called for church reform
  • He told the Diet of Worms, "I do not accept the authority of popes and councils"
  • Pope Leo X named Henry VIII "Defender of the Faith" for his written attack on this German Protestant leader
  • Johann Eck debated this noted Protestant in 1519 & helped get him excommunicated in 1521
  • After what he did October 31, 1517 the Wittenberg Palace Church may have had to put up a "Post No Theses" sign
  • In 1521 an imperial diet at Worms declared him an outlaw
  • In 1521 he told the Diet of Worms, "Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen"
  • This 16th century reformer wrote the German hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
  • In 1505 this Protestant reformer earned a master of arts degree from the University of Erfurt
  • This man, already pronounced a heretic, was formally declared an outlaw by 1521's Edict of Worms
  • He posted his world-shaking commentaries on a German church door on October 31, 1517
  • You might think I was an ally of this reformer, but in fact I was named "Defender of the Faith" for writing a 1521 attack on him
  • The son of a copper miner, he initiated the Protestant Reformation
  • History: This man wouldn't give props to the pope, so he got booted from the Church in January, 1521
  • Lucas Cranach was not yet Mayor of Wittenberg when this friend of his nailed the 95 Theses on the church door
  • He's the reform-minded former Catholic priest seen here
  • He was 33 when he nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church
  • In 1521 it was Charles V presiding & the Archbishop of Trier, John Eck, prosecuting this man
  • At the Diet of Worms in 1521, he said, "I cannot and will not retract anything"
  • Gout didn't stop this reformer from nailing his 95 Theses to a Wittenberg church door
  • Bach grew up in Eisenach, the city where this reformer translated the New Testament at Wartburg Castle
  • John Osborne's 1961 play about this Protestant reformer became a 1974 film starring Stacy Keach
  • A museum at this theologian's Wittenberg home has a vast collection of Reformation history
  • Leo X's 1521 bull "Decet Romanum Pontificem" booted this guy out of the Catholic Church
  • In 1505 this theologian abandoned his legal studies & entered a monastery; by 1507 he was a priest
  • Pope Leo X famously excommunicated this reformer in 1521
  • He told the panel at Worms, "Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise"
  • Charles convened the Diet of Worms where this man refused to recant his beliefs
  • In July 1505 he was struck by lightning; as a result, he entered a monastery in Erfurt, Germany 15 days later
  • Though the uprising called the Peasants' War was partly based on this man's ideas, he came out against it in 1525
  • German poet Hans Sachs' most famous work, "The Nightingale of Wittenberg", was a defense of this religious figure
  • Lucas Cranach the Elder was a close friend of this clergyman, whom he painted in the 1533 portrait seen here