

Matza (also Matzah, Matzoh, or Matsah) Hebrew מַצָּה, in Ashkenazi matzo or matzoh, an, in Yiddish, matze) is a cracker-like flatbread made of white plain flour and water. The dough is pricked in several places and not allowed to rise before or during baking, thereby producing a hard, flat bread. It is similar in preparation to the central Asian lavash and the Indian chapati.

Trivia about matzo

  • The afikomen, a piece of this bread, is hidden & becomes a bargaining chip for gifts
  • The Afikomen is this, broken off from a larger piece & hidden for children to find at a Passover Seder
  • This unleavened bread is eaten (but not always enjoyed) during Passover
  • This square Passover food is considered the bread of affliction as well as the bread of redemption

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