

Meconium is the earliest stools of an infant. Unlike later feces, meconium is compose of materials ingested during the time the infant spends in the uterus: intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile, and water. Meconium is almost sterile, unlike later feces, is viscous and sticky like tar, and has no odor. It should be completely passed by the end of the first few days of postpartum life, with the stools progressing toward yellow (digested milk). The term Meconium derives from meconium-arion, meaning "opium-like", in reference either to its tarry appearance or to Aristotle's belief that it induces sleep in the fetus.

Tweets about meconium

  • Quote van de dag: Studenten leven kan ook hard zijn! 'Bilirubine? Colostrum? Meconium? — at Wetteren Ten Ede
  • that’s meconium which if you are unaware, is literally black tar
  • RT @InEyeAleE: The day you inadvertently wipe meconium across your face like war paint is the day you become a real dad.
  • @LD_Pride I had meconium aspiration syndrome which basically means I ingested my own s___ and I've been full of it ever since!
  • @ThirstiesInc awesome would this work for meconium diapers too? we recommend disposables until normal BMs.#holisticmoms
  • Kerrie's Chaos: Meconium Aspiration: A Birth Story
  • Sy still Fever,sore throat&flu.Patient lak TRO PTB,apa kau rasa?Pkai mask nonstop.Patient lain ada thick meconium at 3am proceed for EMLSCS😪
  • Happy 5th birthday to Samuel TODAY! Here's the blog post from that day. I tried to sprinkle it with humor but,...
  • The term neonate with resp distress s/p meconium aspiration may need more surfactant. #Surfactant,It'sNotJustForPetermInfants
  • @housewifealmost Thank you! 😊 I'm just scared because the meconium :(
  • Almost 1am and I'm explaining what meconium is to someone. #nurseprobs
  • Happy 5th birthday to Samuel tomorrow morning! Here's the blog post from that day. I tried to sprinkle it with...
  • RT @TheFauxCollette: Please pray for my nephew who has Meconium Aspiration. He is currently in the NICU and will be having tests done Monda…
  • @kerrycoolface Just a head's up, your first poop will actually be something called meconium. This is natural.
  • Just read "Encomium Data Intl." as "Meconium Data Intl." Those ... are two very different words.
  • Meconium - noun; the first poop a person makes in their life
  • @Southernmamajkd I wouldn't do it, the one lady on there was only 34 weeks now her boy is in the nicu cuz too small and swallowed meconium
  • @MissMatch_NL Yep, same with T, grade 2 meconium, they let me labour, knowing that, for 12 hours.
  • @LD_Pride I read that NLD is usually a result of birth trauma. I had meconium aspiration syndrome and was sick during my first five years.
  • RT @USMLE_CKHints: Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: complications include pneumothorax, infection, pulmonary hypertension, residual lung probl…
  • RT @USMLE_CKHints: Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: imaging shows flattening of the diaphragm, hyperinflation, coarse streaking
  • RT @USMLE_CKHints: Meconium aspiration syndrome: hyperinflation leads to a barrel-shaped chest, hypoxia and acidosis often occurs
  • RT @USMLE_CKHints: Mecoium Aspiration Syndrome: hyperinflation occurs secondary to valve-like mechanism by which meconium obstructs the air…
  • RT @USMLE_CKHints: Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: signs of respiratory distress, rales, rhonchi,nasal flaring, grunting, use of accessory mu…
  • RT @USMLE_CKHints: Greenish amniotic fluid is meconium
  • Please pray for my nephew who has Meconium Aspiration. He is currently in the NICU and will be having tests done Monday after treatment.
  • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: complications include pneumothorax, infection, pulmonary hypertension, residual lung problems,
  • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: imaging shows flattening of the diaphragm, hyperinflation, coarse streaking
  • Meconium aspiration syndrome: hyperinflation leads to a barrel-shaped chest, hypoxia and acidosis often occurs
  • Mecoium Aspiration Syndrome: hyperinflation occurs secondary to valve-like mechanism by which meconium obstructs the airways,
  • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: signs of respiratory distress, rales, rhonchi,nasal flaring, grunting, use of accessory muscles of respiration
  • Greenish amniotic fluid is meconium
  • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: patchy infiltrates, coarse streaking of both lung fields, increased anteroposterior diameter
  • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: thick and particulate meconium is aspirated into the lungs, resulting in small airway obstruction
  • Meconium aspiration syndrome: thick, green amniotic fluid in the mouth and throat at birth
  • Meconium ileus: a possible complication is intestinal perforation. If after birth pneumoperitoneum
  • RT @BVnatuurlijk: De 1e melk werkt laxerend. Zo kan je baby zijn eerste ontlasting, zwarte meconium, makkelijk kwijtraken. #borstvoeding #b…
  • Hair & Treasure have new tape out on Harmonic Articulation Tapes. Listen to a mix they did and get the brand new...
  • 1.Hijau Kehitaman-Warna tinja ini adalah warna tinja pertama bayi yg baru lahir atau disebut meconium. Jangan khawatir, warna hitam.. #Baby
  • Shame I couldn't be on Radcliffe & Maconie tonight, instead I just changed a meconium filled nappy near Radcliffe.. That'll have to do.
  • 😭😭 RT @InEyeAleE: The day you inadvertently wipe meconium across your face like war paint is the day you become a real dad.
  • Birth injury profile: Meconium aspiration syndrome - A perfect, peaceful birth is the dream of most women, but tha...
  • @SciShow I know you guys have covered what different colors of poop mean but maybe shares hat is the wonderment that is meconium. 👍
  • RT @maxnrgmike: @GlomarResponder @SLafrancis2013 My MD wife had a woman name her daughter "Meconium"...fetal baby poop "Cause it sound cool"
  • @GlomarResponder @SLafrancis2013 My MD wife had a woman name her daughter "Meconium"...fetal baby poop "Cause it sound cool"