men in diapers


Tweets about men in diapers

  • If I had an album the picture on it would be a glam shot of four large men in diapers.
  • RT @sicklesium: Why are we talking about men in diapers
  • Why are we talking about men in diapers
  • RT @cIosetintrovert: There are entirely too many photos on the internet of men in diapers.
  • @wittygrin @AsianSweetieOrg eww men in diapers working out. That would make me run
  • @gentilecoont wearing a snapback fedora, icp shirt, plaid long shorts, and socks with crocs is more appealing than men in diapers
  • how about those grown men in diapers lololol @_easybakeed. I'm still laughing. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘…πŸ’¦πŸ‘΄πŸ‘ΆπŸ’©