

Mesopotamia (from the Greek meaning "The lan between the two rivers") is an area geographically located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, largely corresponding to modern Iraq, northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey, and the Khūzestān Province of southwestern Iran.

Trivia about mesopotamia

  • The ancient Greeks gave the area between the Tigris & Euphrates this name, which means "between rivers"
  • The area between the Uruguay & Parana Rivers, or the ancient region between the Tigris & Euphrates
  • The earliest known civilization, it was home to the Sumerians & Akkadians
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.) Stretching from the Taurus Mountains in the north to the Persian Gulf in the south, with its heart between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is this ancient region, home to the world's first cities
  • The semitic language of Akkadian was spoken in this land whose name means "between rivers"
  • "The Epic of Gilgamesh" is an old heroic text from this region whose name means "between rivers"