

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy investigating principles of reality transcening those of any particular science. Cosmology and ontology are traditional branches of metaphysics. It is concerned with explaining the ultimate nature of being and the world.

Trivia about metaphysics

  • Immanuel Kant is a big name in this field of philosophy, concerned with the ultimate nature of things

Tweets about metaphysics

  • RT @UberFacts: Lana Del Rey studied metaphysics at Fordham University.
  • “@UberFacts: Lana Del Rey studied metaphysics at Fordham University.”
  • "@UberFacts: Lana Del Rey studied metaphysics at Fordham University." @dirtbag_queen
  • Metaphysics will be even more interesting
  • RT @tnietzschequote: Christianity is a metaphysics of the hangman.
  • Lana Del Rey studied metaphysics at Fordham University.
  • A morning glory at my windows satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.
  • RT @BartlettPlanUCL: @bcualisterscott Oikos: Heidegger, 'home of the unthought'. (Metaphysics floating the BPS-related hashtags rather than…
  • First lecture that I miss would be metaphysics wouldn't it 😭
  • @__metaphysics 技術 機材 固定観念による新参者の音楽の批判 上げればキリがない
  • @Vixtend 確かに。「俺の方が上手いし」みたいな奴な。
  • 自分より劣ってる所を見つけ出し、其れを拠り所にして他人を見下してる様な人が大勢。比較することが普通だと思ってなさる。学者ですらそういう人がいると聞く。優劣に呪縛されている以上、他人依存の域から出ることは出来ないと気付きたまえ。
  • #Spirituality #Enlightenment #Truth #FreeMasonry #Love #Oneness #Ascension #Gnosis #Metaphysics…
  • @ThingsUnseenPod Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr (perennial philosophy, metaphysics) would be a great guest to have -Sami Yusuf is a student of his.
  • RT @olehjortland: "The real problem with Nate Silver's model is the hazy metaphysics of probability" via @voxdotcom
  • 嫌々受験して、なんとなく就職しやすいような学部に入った挙句の捉えどころの無い日々を、(無難だ)と自分に言い聞かせることによって、精神の安定を図るんでしょう。大学行かずにひたすら本読んでる方がまだマシだと思う。比較という概念と縁を切れないのは、さぞ辛かろう。