

Tweets about methaphores

  • @GalleFournier J'en sortirais qu'une de blague drole par mois et encore... Ouais jvais me lancer dans les methaphores !
  • @NivekHN ey, les methaphores ont des failles, deal with it
  • @Tommogiggle_ see how i feel when i read your methaphores?
  • ÇA #JoueLesTours,ecouter ds faux imams,reciteurs du livre a methaphores,appris a léconomate d Fresnes,candidats a camisole de force mentale
  • RT @toktok911: @Tasneem91 It is so beautiful how Coldplayers have usually different interpretations for the methaphores in the songs <3
  • @Tasneem91 It is so beautiful how Coldplayers have usually different interpretations for the methaphores in the songs <3
  • @2111015 @Kateryna_Kruk He has charm hasnt he, blinking with his eyes, methaphores, smiling while sending doom to others lovely isnt he. :P