

Minutemen were members of teams of select men from the American colonial militia uring the American Revolutionary War. They vowed to be ready for battle against the British within one minute of receiving notice. These teams consisted about a fourth of the entire militia, and generally were the younger and more mobile, serving as part of a network for early response to any threat. Minuteman and Sons of Liberty member Paul Revere spread the news that "the regulars are coming." Paul Revere was captured before completing his mission when the British marched towards the arsenal in Lexington and Concord to collect the patriots' weapons.

Trivia about minutemen

  • These volunteers were so named because they were ready to fight at 60 seconds' notice
  • In Massachusetts a national park honors these "men" who famously fought on April 19, 1775
  • Term for the Revolutionary War militia members who were ready to fight at a moment's notice
  • During the Revolutionary War, volunteers ready to fight with 60 seconds' notice were called these
  • A Cold War launch site for these "timely" missiles in South Dakota shot onto the list in 1999