

10 million (est.)

Trivia about mongols

  • Ivan the Great made the great decision to gain independence from this group known as the Golden Horde
  • The last Abbasid Caliph was killed in 1258 when these Asian warriors sacked Baghdad
  • These people led by Genghis Khan swore a blood-sealed oath called the Anda
  • The fifth Dalai Lama was installed as Tibet's leader in 1642 by Gushri Khan, the leader of these people
  • A devastating invasion by these Asian warriors in 1241 killed half of Hungary's population
  • In the 13th Century, these conquerors incorporated Tibet into their empire
  • Ukraine prospered for several centuries in the Middle Ages until its 1240 conquest by these forces from the East
  • A 1959 Japanese film about Genghis Khan starring Hashizo Okawa was titled "King of" this ethnic group
  • These fierce invaders from the north took out the Jin Dynasty before overthrowing the Song in 1279

Tweets about mongols

  • Ce soir y'a une soirée apperement. Ce sera sans moi je suis trop fatiguée et puis revoir tout ces mongols ça m'enchante pas trop j'prefere😴
  • LA NOTICE - COMMENT GAGNER LA COUPE DU MONDE J'en ai trop marre de ces mongols mdrrr
  • Call me dumb but no matter how many times they teach me, I always forget Mongols were from Asia
  • RT @BlackFlagNews: People who bring up the conquests of the mongols etc forget that when the Mongols faced an army of Muwahidin they were c…
  • Aftermath: Philosophy and Science in the Mongol Age (History Of Philosophy - Without Any Gaps)
  • RT @SuniiYouKnow: Regardez les deux mongols derrière ptdddr
  • Mongols M C Mongols World: @YouTubeさんから
  • RT @MansurAbuSayf: "Dawlah" does interprete their victories as a sign that they are righteous, but they forget that Jingis Khan and the Mon…
  • #Genghis Khan, his story, his culture, from The Secret History of the #Mongols: AMGALANT @Jakujin @AuthorAlliance #HF
  • "Dawlah" does interprete their victories as a sign that they are righteous, but they forget that Jingis Khan and the Mongols were too
  • Regardez les deux mongols derrière ptdddr
  • Je vous presente notre vine de Mongols
  • Encore une histoire d'enfants laissés dans le char.. C'est quoi vous comprenez pas gang de mongols..
  • @MMO_Arpeggio @MenacingMecha Inbred mongols? I mean my ancestors
  • @endorphinmag @mongoliantrophy Les plats cuisinés Team Energie, complément idéal aux repas traditionnels mongols !
  • RT @Couly_Thug: Si j'ai pas mon Bac les autres personnes voudront qu'on devienne Amis ! Genre on fait un groupe "Les Mongols Sans Bac" #Ar…
  • Civilization V - Mongols! Part 9: via @YouTube
  • Si j'ai pas mon Bac les autres personnes voudront qu'on devienne Amis ! Genre on fait un groupe "Les Mongols Sans Bac" #ArrêtonsHein !
  • Tumen Ekh and Torgo cultural performance shows are must seen not only by foreigners but also by "real" MONGOLS!
  • Bichette on les a vraiment pris pour des mongols même un gamin de primaire l'aurais fait 😆😆
  • All the Mongols and tampon eaters will do what I say
  • The Mongols mastered War, Tesla mastered Electricity and Mark Sandman mastered Cool
  • Cette aprème je vais sortir avec les mongols je pense
  • @ValdKita jamais compris qui se branlait sur le foot sud américain. Qd Sport + retransmettait les matchs ça jouait comme d mongols. Horrible
  • Some historians believe that if the Mongols had not brought down the Chinese & Islamic civilisations in the 12th century...
  • Marius Regillus finds himself in a horde of trouble. The #mongols are on the loose! Will #AntiochBurn? #novel #action
  • @ItsNena_V2 im guessing that mongols slide show wasn't worth doing? 😂 yup, we aint getting no tea lol
  • @jasonweida Canada and the U.S have a friendly border for the most part but Mexico is treated like how the Chinese treated the Mongols.
  • @buggjump atah sem tirar os professores mongols
  • B4 1912 China was occupied by Manzhous,so did mongols,Tibetans,Xinjiang. All not belong to China. A colpny of Manzhous.
  • Arrombados Mongols Insuportaveis Zero a esquerda Aacéfalos Desprezíveis Estúpidos
  • @immkaitlinn the MONGOLS 👯👯👯
  • Cara eu me divirto vendo esses programas em que ninguém nunca acerta a palavra premiada. Deve ter uma triagem dos mais mongols pra responder
  • @MikeWiseguy - the Mongols probably told the villages they were about to pillage to "get on the right side of history" and open the gate.
  • Forgotten Tag Teams - The Mongols Geeto and Bepo won the WWWF International Tag Team Championship on two...
  • @Dracos_snitch and the one in iran the mongols destroyed when genghis khan came a-knocking
  • Historically speaking, the Mongols will mess you up. "Khongorzul Ganbaatar"
  • #askjoesugg How many boards Could the Mongols hoard If the Mongol hordes got bored?
  • #GazaUnderAttack #EIIL #Da3ach Pendant ce temps-là chez les mongols
  • Bruce Harper , callahan , everett derrière que des mongols mais chaud
  • Can a caliph be sacked? Well Mongols sacked Baghdad. But really, can he be?
  • RT @purefectionx: crying “@gulalayyyx: Stupid mongols”
  • Después de unas risas con los mongols toca Juego de Tronos :3
  • crying “@gulalayyyx: Stupid mongols”
  • Stupid mongols
  • @steve_baxi @TMuggo The Mongols: Fond of horseback riding.
  • People who bring up the conquests of the mongols etc forget that when the Mongols faced an army of Muwahidin they were crushed. The =
  • RT @ReadersAlliance: #Genghis Khan, his story, his culture, from The Secret History of the #Mongols: AMGALANT @Jakuj…