mycobacterium avium


Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is a group of genetically-relate bacteria belonging to the genus Mycobacterium. It includes Mycobacterium avium subspecies avium (MAA), Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominis (MAH), and Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP).

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Tweets about mycobacterium avium

  • RT @AIDSinfo: People infected with #HIV may develop Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection. Learn more:
  • RT @AIDSinfo: People infected with #HIV may develop Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection. Learn more in our HIV glossary:
  • People infected with #HIV may develop Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection. Learn more in our HIV glossary:
  • Researchers found 30 percent of showerheads are home to Mycobacterium avium, a bacterium that can cause lung infections. #showertips
  • 肺の非定型抗酸菌症はMycobacterium avium complexによるものが最も多い 76A79
  • Abundance of Mycobacterium avium ssp. hominissuis in soil and dust in Germany - implications for the infection…
  • 非結核性抗酸菌症。。。 Mycobacterium avium complex(MAC) Mycobacterium kansasii
  • RT @typefiend: "Mycobacterium Avium Complex can make up 20% of all the microorganisms in your shower head..."
  • RT @BMJOpen_Resp: Brand new - Prevalence and risk factors for chronic co-infection in #pulmonary #Mycobacterium avium complex disease: http…