

Misogyny (pronounce /mɪˈsɒʤɪni/) is hatred (or contempt) of women. Misogyny is parallel to misandry — the hatred of men. Misogyny is also comparable with misanthropy, which is the hatred of humanity generally. The antonym of misogyny is philogyny, love towards women. Marcus Tullius Cicero reports that Greek philosophers considered misogyny to be caused by gynophobia, a fear of women. Some feminists consider that misogyny both generates, and is propagated by, patriarchal social structures.

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Tweets about mysogyny

  • @NewEnglandDevil @AtheistBigfoot @AaronWorthing @OldRifleman In Xtian value system genocide, mysogyny, human sacrifice not tyrannical.
  • Ah, yes, friend. Hey friend. What you're doing right now, how you feel. That's called internalized mysogyny.
  • Apparently—as a matter of principle in misguided forms of feminism, mysogyny is reprehensible & evil but misandry is virtuous & laudable.
  • @GamerGrlsGarage @daddy_warpig Actually ive seen a SJW actually say Mysogyny is in the air. I cant remember where but they said it
  • @james_randerson @NoMorePage3 Unbelievable mysogyny.
  • NINE days till mermaids against mysogyny is released.
  • @LauraShaposh you don't need the label of "feminism" to be feminine as I don't need mysogyny to be masculine
  • @BreakfastNews without mysogyny reinforcing "games" like #grandtheftauto, women would be less oppressed.
  • lol critical think! RT @john_q_owningu: It tells you we don't trust anything sjws say re anything. Kinda like the SJW that cried "mysogyny".
  • @kav_p It tells you that we don't trust anything sjws say about anything. Ever. Kinda like the SJW that cried "mysogyny". #GamerGate
  • @omar_quraishi of course not. For @JunaidJamshedPK the problem is not mysogyny but that he was too dumb to limit abuse to ordinary women
  • @ComradeKalinka ah but their message comes from a place of mysogyny and thus they are handicapped by their own prejudices...
  • @gogreen18 Thoughts on this in the UK? Blatant bit of mysogyny included -
  • @iglvzx this is a dude who writes self-hating right wing homophobic stuff too. Not surprised to see mysogyny there.
  • @TechyFolks @HackersCantHide @razorledj @Sennagil @dominicrupert @angeladavis001 caught and screaming "MYSOGYNY!" like a well trained (con)
  • @tapobu If you dont find it its either because : 1) Its not allowed 2) You think everything is mysogyny
  • @DrHugoZHakenbus @davidbewart That stat is unfortunately pan-human...I don't know the reasons, but I doubt mysogyny is based on fear alone!
  • Words I hate: Mysogyny Feminism Tumblr Liberal @Dennorak And "No Justice, No Peace"
  • RT @ChelseaHeart3: NFL and PORN the two biggest industries for men. One is high priced while the other is FREE. Why? #mysogyny #objectifica…
  • from @BuzzFeed's @RegaJha - how a slap, speaks to the way we raise boys and the behaviour of men. #india #men #mysogyny
  • NFL and PORN the two biggest industries for men. One is high priced while the other is FREE. Why? #mysogyny #objectification
  • Mysogyny is the product of hurt men looking for validation. Feminism is the result of hurt women looking for justice. Neither is right.
  • @peadoslayer Why are all rightwingers interested in kids #mysogyny
  • Hello, cuntsack. What exactly do you think youre doing releasing music the same day as Mermaids of Mysogyny? @MarinasDiamonds
  • RT @Exposing_UKIP: Asian? Female? Join #UKIP. We'll put you out front regardless how crap you are. We need you to disguise our core Islam…
  • Asian? Female? Join #UKIP. We'll put you out front regardless how crap you are. We need you to disguise our core Islamophobia & Mysogyny.
  • RT @Im_Keys_Babe: i really get annoyed when in conversation someone starts to say things like "I think its ok for a guy to do __ but not a …
  • @_icze4r wait sorry im an ignorant idiot #mysogyny
  • i really get annoyed when in conversation someone starts to say things like "I think its ok for a guy to do __ but not a girl" #mysogyny
  • 💖✨ TWELVE ✨💖 days until our DEBUT album "MERMAIDS AGAINS MYSOGYNY" is released. PREORDER NOW!
  • they can't even accept there are lots of mysogyny/homophobia/transphobia here bc obviously those things only exist in north america
  • @PixieJenni love all the "not-mysogyny ethics" in that thread. Totally convinced me!
  • @FeministaJones You think songs like Kendrick's "i" can shift popular rap music away from mysogyny? Or is it too far gone?
  • Sign of the Times: Internet Mysogyny Spawns Meme - #trends #Culture #Technology
  • @Spacekatgal We have games that have ranges of difficulty.. why not have a range of mysogyny? (and an award for playing it in various modes?
  • So, I've been having a heated discussion on the Picard/Kirk debate, but why is not Janeway included? #mysogyny
  • @_icze4r Dec. 2016: #GamerGate #GamerGate #GamerGate mysogyny blarg. It's cold in here. Why are the walls so bouncy?