

Napoleon I (born Napoleone i Buonaparte, later Napoleon Bonaparte) (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) was a French military and political leader who had a significant impact on modern European history. He was a general during the French Revolution, the ruler of France as First Consul of the French Republic, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Mediator of the Swiss Confederation and Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine.

Trivia about napoleon

  • In the early 1800s, this man's empire included the duchy of Warsaw, the kingdom of Naples & Spain
  • Jefferson called him "Attila of the age dethroned... shut up within the circle of a little island of the Mediterranean"
  • Talleyrand resigned from this emperor's service in 1807 & began intriguing against him
  • The Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto features a pair of black silk socks worn by this emperor on St. Helena
  • When Stonewall Jackson was fatally wounded, he had this French emperor's "Maxims of War" in his haversack
  • In 1785 this future French emperor graduated from military school in Paris, 42nd in his class of 58
  • This emperor fooled around with a Polish countess while he was still married to Josephine
  • While in exile on the island of St. Helena from 1815-1821, he dictated his memoirs to friends
  • In the novels, Horatio Hornblower spends over 20 years of his life battling this Corsican tyrant
  • The 1815 Treaty of Paris was signed after his final defeat at Waterloo
  • A June 18, 1815 battle in Belgium was the final defeat of this leader
  • Teddy Roosevelt's attorney general, Charles Bonaparte, was this man's grandnephew
  • The Ajaccio, Corsica home in which this French emperor was born is now a museum
  • On May 26, 1805 this crown-crazy Corsican became king of Italy
  • Great Britain, Prussia, Austria & Russia joined forces in 1815 to rid Europe of him once & for all
  • It's not me in the painting seen here, it's this complex island dweller with a taste for conquest
  • In 1808, Antonio Canova sculpted this emperor’s sister as a seminude, reclining Venus
  • The "little corporal" of the 19th century
  • In 1799 he overthrew the Directory & became first consul
  • (Cheryl of the Clue Crew at the Orange County Fair) I'm waiting for the big race with Porkbiscuit, Pig-O-War & this pig who led the revolt at "Animal Farm"
  • The French Revolution ended when he seized control of the Directory on November 9, 1799
  • Dumas' 1831 play about this emperor helped make a big legend out of a short man
  • He abdicated for the first time in April 1814
  • Letizia Ramolino Buonaparte was just 18 when she gave birth to him in 1769
  • On Dec. 2, 1804 Regis Philbin crowned himself Emperor of France
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Paris) The Arc de Triomphe is inscribed with the names & dates of this man's victories
  • Much of Moscow was burned to the ground in 1812 when this emperor's troops occupied the city
  • "The Corsican General"
  • This man took the title first consul after a coup d'etat in Paris in 1799
  • By imposing a military dictatorship on France in 1799, he became one of the most powerful men in the world
  • This emperor's sister Pauline Bonaparte was so scandalous she was banned from his court in 1810
  • In 1791 this future French emperor became a lieutenant colonel in the Corsican National Guard
  • Consisting of puff pastry layered with custard or cream, this pastry's fit for a French emperor
  • A decree by this man in 1806 dissolved the 1,000-year-old Holy Roman Empire
  • The Dept. of Egyptian Antiquities was formed in 1826 to study artifacts from his Egyptian campaign
  • He was buried on St. Helena in his favorite uniform in 1821 but was moved to Paris in 1840
  • Josephine de Beauharnais &Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria
  • Antonio Canova's nude "Mars the Peacemaker" statue wasn't liked by its subject, this French emperor
  • Some speculate that he may have been poisoned on St. Helena by arsenic in his wallpaper
  • The Battle of Austerlitz, one of his greatest victories, is sometimes called the Battle of the Three Emperors
  • In 1804 this man crowned himself Emperor of France
  • Following his victory in the Battle of Friedland in June, he forced the capitulation of the Russian Empire
  • An American urologist is said to own a very important part of this French leader who died on May 5, 1821
  • In 1840 his body was moved from St. Helena to Paris & entombed in the Church of the Dome
  • The St. Helena Medal, for French soldiers & sailors who took part in the wars between 1792 & 1815, bears his likeness
  • 1977's "Our Hitler" runs over 7 hours, even longer than Abel Gance's 1927 film about this French despot
  • He may've won at Waterloo if he'd attacked earlier in the day, but heavy rain the night before had him wait until noon
  • When crowned in 1804, he told the Pope, "I am the successor of Louis XIV, not Charlemagne"
  • He left Elba in February 1815 but abdicated (again!) by June 22... what a dreadful performance
  • He's not just a dessert any more; there's also a mozzarella & eggplant version of this layered Bonaparte treat
  • In a Merrie Melodies cartoon title, this historic name precedes "Bunny-Part"
  • Thomas Hardy called his epic work on this emperor "The Dynasts"; "War and Peace" had already been taken
  • Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, a marshal under this emperor, reinvented himself as Swedish King Carl Johan
  • This emperor once observed that "An army marches on its stomach"
  • Louisiana's legal code is based on a code developed by this 5'6" European, also known as "The Corsican"
  • In 1814 he told the French Senate, "France has more need of me than I of France"
  • In a 1795 letter, he wrote, "Sweet, incomprehensible Josephine, what a strange effect you have on my heart!"
  • Moet introduced this "Imperial" line of champagne in 1863 to honor this late emperor
  • In April 1814 allies Britain, Russia, Austria & Prussia signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau with this man
  • In 1809 he informed his soon-to-be ex Josephine that he needed to find a wife who could produce an heir
  • In 1812 fleeing Muscovites burned many buildings as his troops marched into Moscow
  • After this man's troops conquered the city in 1806, the Polish state existed as the Grand Duchy of Warsaw
  • When visiting the capital, Ajaccio, be sure to see the birthplace of this emperor who was known as "The Corsican"
  • In 1805 in Milan's cathedral, this non-Italian was crowned King of Italy
  • Britannica states that Michel-Louis-Etienne Regnault was the man who talked this emperor into abdicating again
  • Beethoven originally dedicated his 1804 "Eroica" symphony to this world leader
  • Marie Josephine Rose Tascher de la Pagerie(1796-1809)
  • Pierre G.T. Beauregard was known as "The Little" this from his admiration of the French leader
  • In a military engagement at the Pyramids in 1798, his forces defeated an Egyptian Mameluke force
  • He captured Alexandria in 1798 & held it until 1801
  • In 1805 Gustav IV brought Sweden into the European coalition against this man
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Luxor, Egypt.) When he invaded Egypt in 1798 he said, "Soldiers, from atop of these pyramids, 40 centuries are looking at us"
  • In an effort to regain power, this leader returned to France near Cannes in 1815
  • In George Orwell's "Animal Farm", this boar becomes dictator of all the animals
  • In 1810 Jacques-Louis David painted this emperor distributing eagle-topped standards
  • Oops, Gustav IV joined an 1805 coalition against this man & lost Swedish Pomerania to France
  • After being King of Naples & Spain, Joseph, this man's brother, moved to N.J.
  • He waited for the ground to dry before sounding "Charge" at Waterloo, giving the Prussians time to arrive--oops
  • With the coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire in 1799, he overthrew the directory
  • Liechtenstein has been independent since 1719 except for a brief period in the early 1800s when this emperor controlled it
  • Despite his epilepsy, Archduke Charles ably led Austrian forces to victory over this man in May 1809
  • "Next year, in 1799, I want to stage the coup d'etat of 18th Brumaire & become first consul. I'll want a lot more after that"
  • His mother, Marie-Letizia, seen here, had special status as Madame Mare
  • Pauline, this emperor's sister, left her second husband in 1803 to do fun things like go to Paris & pose nude
  • (Cheryl of the Clue Crew reads from outdoors in St. Petersburg, Russia.) From a grateful Russia, the Alexander Column here in Palace Square is dedicated to the czar who helped defeat this man
  • The Knights Hospitallers held Malta for over 250 years before surrendering it to this French emperor in 1798
  • A painting at Versailles shows this leader at Ratisbonne in 1809, after he was shot in the foot
  • This French dictator's sister Pauline was so scandalous, you might say her specialty was "Foreign Affairs"
  • (Cheryl of the Clue Crew stands on an Irish seashore.) Martello Towers were built by the British in the early 19th century to defend against an invasion by this man
  • Antonic Canova created 2 gigantic nude statues of this emperor (oddly, one was given to the Duke of Wellington)
  • "The Corsican" is a diary of his life "In His Own Words"
  • Austerlitz was one of the major battles in the wars named for this man
  • You're a big pig! (a Berkshire boar) & you may be pres. of the republic of animal farm, but it's time to work, pork chop!
  • His 1808 ousting of the king of Spain gave Latin American states the pretext to declare independence
  • I'm layering the pastry with mushrooms & sauce, creating this appetizer named for an emperor
  • In "War and Peace", this man is described as the Antichrist scourging Europe
  • At the Congress of Vienna, the duchy of Parma was given to this man's second wife, Marie-Louise of Austria
  • Seen here is Antonio Canova's statue of this French emperor's scandalous sister Pauline
  • 1810:He marries Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria
  • Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is an epic of the wars named for this man
  • Because of his oratory style, James K. Polk was nicknamed this French leader "of the stump"
  • In 1812 his 600,000-man army entered Russia; about 30,000 limped home from Moscow; oops
  • Marlon Brando,Rod Steiger,Herbert Lom:A 19th Century world leader
  • It's said that this French emperor's chef created Chicken Marengo for him right on the battlefield
  • In "Animal Farm" this boar who symbolized Stalin eventually became dictator of all the animals
  • Louisiana was included in that famous purchase bought from this Frenchman in 1803
  • For a brief time in the early 19th c., his brother was installed as King Joseph I
  • Marie Walewska was one of many women who "entertained" him during his exile on Elba
  • Byron's 1814 ode to him says,"Nor till thy fall could mortals guessAmbition's less than littleness!"
  • On May 28, 1804 he proclaimed what became known as the First Empire

Tweets about napoleon

  • RT @wesdiele: “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” Napoleon Hill #success #quote
  • RT @BeyondWages: Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure. Napoleon Hill
  • 三軒茶屋 NAPOLEON FISH からの 俺のイタリアン GINZA で20年ぶりの3人同窓会
  • RT @ThisInspiresUs: Don't wait. The time will never be just right. -Napoleon Hill
  • ^_^!
  • RT @TV_Exposed: Tuco's cousins (Breaking Bad) are also Pedro's cousins from Napoleon Dynamite
  • "@TV_Exposed: Tuco's cousins (Breaking Bad) are also Pedro's cousins from Napoleon Dynamite well then...
  • Damn girl you fine af? Want to talk about Napoleon Bonaparte and the coupe d'état?
  • No! RT @TV_Exposed: Tuco's cousins (Breaking Bad) are also Pedro's cousins from Napoleon Dynamite
  • @udaijn_napoleon まじか。残念だけど今後読むことなさそう…
  • Napoleon Complex / The Divine Comedy #iTunes #iPhone #
  • Voici la météo en direct de la plage Napoléon à Port Saint Louis du Rhône - lundi 7 juillet 2014 ! Pour...
  • I'm starting to forget about Napoleon Bonaparte and his accomplishments, smh they are what I valued most in life
  • Imagination rules the world. - Napoleon Bonaparte
  • #5: Napoléon diplomate Napoléon diplomateThierry Lentz (Author)Buy new: CDN$ 34.95 CDN$...
  • No llego temprano a la escuela desde que napoleon invadio rusia
  • @Lisawaay this is Napoleon are yall live this morning
  • Tuco's cousins (Breaking Bad) are also Pedro's cousins from Napoleon Dynamite
  • "Desire is the starting point of all achievement." - Napoleon Hill
  • "I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me." -Kip 'Napoleon Dynamite' 2004
  • "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting." Napoleon Hill
  • Napoleon Bonaparte, at around 5 feet 7 inches, was taller than the average Frenchman at the time.
  • Napoleon Dynamite
  • The jack-of-all-trades seldom is good at any. Concentrate all of your efforts on one definite chief aim. -Napoleon Hill
  • Cree y lo lograrás. Napoleón Hill
  • 5 de julio de 1808 Napoleón, entrega oficialmente a su hermano José la corona de España. Reinó, hasta 1813 con el nombre de José I.
  • RT Cameron Morrissey: "It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed."~Napoleon Hill #leadership
  • Este idiota se disfrazo de Napoleón de quincalla Ni Bolívar lucia tantas medallas chapitas de coca cola <--
  • Kepala yang tidak mempunyai fikiran sama seperti sesebuah benteng yang tidak dibela - Napoleon Bonaparte
  • "Las batallas contra las mujeres son las únicas que se ganan huyendo" Napoleón I. #CaféVespertino
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: 第10話楽しんでいただけましたでしょうか? ご覧いただいた方はお気づきだと思いますが、 この前お話しした、助監督の相良さんと長塚さんがスタンドインしていたのは、 このシーン!! 新ヴァンパイアルール?...
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: 今夜は『ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン』第11話です。あと残すは2話ですね。 この白い煙は、スモークといいます。 これはスモークを馴染ませるためにあおいでいます。 スモークはどの場面で使用しているのでしょうか!?...
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: もうすぐ『ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン』の時間ですよー! 前回の10話で登場したシーン覚えていますか? そうです。湊川さんを思い出すあの場面。 ドラマの名場面といえば… 雨ですよね!! でも、雨を降らすのは結構大変なんです。...
  • RT @CRFV1976: лучше и не скажешь #ProjotaNoAgoraETarde Napoleon Dynamite
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: 先週登場したこのシーンの機材をご紹介します♪ これはレールで使用する台車に、タイヤを付けて撮影しています。 直線での撮影じゃないときは、この形にします! さて、まもなく『ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン』! お楽しみください!
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: いよいよ最終話ですね。 長かったような、短かったような!? 今夜はとうとう最終回ですよ~
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: クランクインしてから約4ヶ月… 撮影が終わってから約2ヶ月…  とうとうこの日が来てしまいました。 もうすぐ最終回・・・・・。 まさかのラストにご期待ください! みなさん、長い間ご覧いただきまして...
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: ついに、おわってしまった! なんだかさびしいですね・・・! 皆さん最後までご覧いただき ありがとうございました涙! 最後に思い出話をひとつ。 瀬田監督は・・・・・・ なかなかカットをかけません。...
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: と思いきや、8月30日に発売される『ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン』のDVD-BOX&Blu-rayBOXでたっぷりご紹介!!とのことです。 あのアドリブ、ぜひみなさんにも見ていただきたい!!
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: みなさん、お久しぶりです! ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン、現在BSジャパンで 毎週日曜日深夜0時05分より絶賛放送中でございます。 地上波で見逃した方、是非チェックしてくださいね♪ 日曜深夜に、かわいい桜子と小町を見れば 翌日からも頑張る気が…
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: 本日深夜0時5分~BSジャパンで「ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン」第3話を 放送しますよ~。 第2話までのおさらい☆ 伯爵の求愛から桜子を救った親友の小町。二人の美少女ヴァンパイアは人間界に降り立ちます。...
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: 海外輸入型ヴァンパイアが絶賛流行中ですが、やっぱりときめきトゥナイトは原点!ドラマ「ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン」は大政絢・本田翼が美少女ヴァンパイアに挑戦♡ただいま毎週日曜深夜0時5分〜BSJで絶賛放送中です。蘭世にも早く会いたいな。 http…
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: みなさん、休日を楽しんでいますか? 隼人への初恋にとまどう桜子ですが・・・初恋って意外と あいまいなものだったりしませんか?...
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: こんばんはー! 皆さん素敵な週末を過ごされましたか? 今晩も深夜0時5分からヴァンパイア・ヘヴン第4話が放送 されますよん! お酒の失敗は人間に限らないようですね。...
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: こんばんは! 日曜の夜ですね。 楽しい週末のしめくくりは、やっぱり 家でのんびりテレビ見るのが最高です。 さて、今夜もBSジャパンで深夜0時5分〜 ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン第5話の放送ですよ。...
  • RT @motivation653: "The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going." - Nap…
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: 毎日あついです。 いやぁ、ほんとにあついですね。 こんな週末の夜は、クーラーをがんがんにかけた 部屋で、ヴァンパイアドラマを見るなんていうのは どうでしょうか? さて今夜のヴァンパイア・ヘヴン第6話!...
  • RT @SantapanMinda: Kepala yang tidak mempunyai fikiran sama seperti sesebuah benteng yang tidak dibela - Napoleon Bonaparte
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: 「ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン」×VAMPIRE CAFE(銀座)タイアップ決定! 期間:9月17日~10月31日 桜子・小町をイメージした、スイーツやドリンクメニューが楽しめるほか 番組オリジナルグッズが当たる抽選会も実施! 詳しい概要は…
  • RT @Vampire_Heaven: 「ヴァンパイア・ヘヴン」DVD&Blu-ray BOX 特典映像 エビ中密着メイキングをチラ見せ中!