napoleon bonaparte


At 16 in 1785, this future first consul became head of his family & graduated from the Paris Military Academy

Trivia about napoleon bonaparte

  • An unemployed soldier, 1821:"Josephine!"
  • After the coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire 1799 he became first consul
  • He commisioned Jacques-Louis David to paint his 1804 imperial coronation
  • In April 1796 this French officer defeated the Sardinians at Mondovi, gaining Savoy & Nice for France
  • On December 2, 1804 this man crowned himself emperor
  • From 1815 to 1821 the Farmhouse of Longwood on the island of St. Helena was this exile's home
  • Goya protested this emperor's invasion of Spain with "Third of May, 1808"
  • Roman Catholic cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo helped lead a 1799 revolt in Naples against this French emperor's army
  • Marie-Louise gave birth to another man's children after this man, her husband, was exiled on Elba
  • In 1810 this 40-year-old married the teenager Marie Louise of Austria
  • This man named his brother king of Spain in 1808
  • In February 1815 he was able to escape his 10-month exile on a small island
  • He's the emperor portrayed here in 1804, clad in his elaborate coronation dress:
  • As official battle painter to this emperor, Antoine-Jean Gros painted "The Plague at Jaffa" in 1804
  • At the collapse of this man's empire in 1814, Louis XVIII & the Bourbon dynasty were restored to the French throne
  • In 1431 Notre Dame held the coronation of King Henry VI & in 1804, the coronation of this man
  • In an 1813 letter this leader wrote, "You write to me that it's impossible; the word is not French"
  • A royalist power grab in Paris was crushed by this young general in 1795
  • Louis, the nephew of this ruler of France, was the only ruler of the Second Republic
  • His brother Lucien was President of the Council of 500 in the legislature & helped him gain power