nellie bly


In 1887 her assignment for the New York World was an expose of the insane asylum on Blackwell's Island

Trivia about nellie bly

  • In 1889 she left New York & went around the world in less than 80 days
  • Attempting to beat the fictional Phileas Fogg, this woman reporter went around the world in 72 days in 1889
  • On November 14, 1889, the New York World called her trip, "The Longest Journey Known to Mankind"
  • To duplicate this late journalist's life, travel around the world, then get inducted into the hall
  • Her paper, the N.Y. World, sent her to beat Phileas Fogg's record of "Around the World in 80 Days"
  • She spent "Ten Days in a Mad House" before going "Around the World in 72 Days"
  • On November 14 this reporter set off on her 72-day trip around the world
  • In 1895 this crusader married Robert Seaman, but after he died she had to return to reporting to make money
  • New York City is the finish line of the 73-step board game called "Round the World with" this adventuress
  • In 1889 she set out from New York, making it around the world in less than 73 days

Tweets about nellie bly

  • Fantastic profile of Nellie Bly, the late-19th-century newspaper reporter and her lessons in writing what you want.
  • RT @drunkhistory: Nellie Bly's legacy? Proving that women are awesome and that columnist with the mutton chops is a douche.
  • Nellie Bly's legacy? Proving that women are awesome and that columnist with the mutton chops is a douche.
  • Who was Nellie Bly? Find out tomorrow night as the amazing @LauraDern portrays her and @jdryznar…
  • #1: Ten Days in a Mad-House Ten Days in a Mad-HouseNellie Bly (Author)(53)Download: $0....
  • #1: Ten Days in a Mad-House; or, Nellie Bly's Experience on Blackwell's Island. Feigning...
  • #1: Ten Days in a Mad-House: Ten Days in a Mad-House Nellie Bly (Author) (53) Download: $0.99 (Visit the Best...
  • #2: Ten Days in a Mad-House Ten Days in a Mad-HouseNellie Bly (Author)(53)Download: $0....
  • Who was Nellie Bly? #facts
  • A Drunk History episode on Nellie Bly? I might actually watch that. In other news, 35 days until shark week.
  • #2: Ten Days in a Mad-House: Ten Days in a Mad-House Nellie Bly (Author) (53) Download: $0.99 (Visit the Best...
  • I'm the Nellie Bly type of fly
  • Father son day continues. @ Nellie Bly Amusement Park
  • @bobstep Had to be based on Nellie Bly.
  • Nellie Bly's Collected Writings are my EVERYTHING. 19th century adventurer babe? I'm so there for it.
  • Energy rightly applied and directed will accomplish anything. Nellie Bly
  • RT @MaiteKerr: @focusonwomen @Mujeresquecrean ?Admirable Nellie Bly!!
  • "Ten days in a madhouse." Nellie Bly entered Blackwell's island Asylum in 1887 under the guise of in
  • REQUEST: Ten Days in a Mad-House by Nellie Bly -
  • @AlanaBrophyKBOI @RachelGarceau @DeniHawkinsKBOI I just watched The @PBS American Experience on Nellie Bly . I recommend it highly.
  • Jane Austen and Nellie Bly were such incredible strong women.
  • Nellie Bly is at it again- out to prove that a woman can do just as good of a job as a man when it comes to...