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  • RT @Cshustle1: Way to go OK! Currently reading Senate Bill 1612 establishes administrative petition process for visitations
  • RT @ChallenCates: Please share this article about my Mother! She's an artist! Let her paint!!! #expression Santa Barbara News-Press : http:…
  • Way to go OK! Currently reading Senate Bill 1612 establishes administrative petition process for visitations
  • RT @WooHooRusher365: Check out this article. People should have a right to do what they love. RT if you agree! 🎨 @Ch…
  • RT @BackstreetsSWFL: Please nominate your favorite bartender in 50 words or less by emailing to please and thank you h…
  • Please nominate your favorite bartender in 50 words or less by emailing to please and thank you
  • Share this article please and let's help @ChallenCates Rushers 😃 #BTR
  • Please share this article about my Mother! She's an artist! Let her paint!!! #expression Santa Barbara News-Press :