

Night or nighttime is the perio of time when the sun is below the horizon. The opposite of night is day (or "daytime" to distinguish it from "day" as used for a 24-hour period). Time of day varies based on factors such as season, latitude, longitude and timezone.

Trivia about night

  • In titles of TV series, this word has preceded heat, court & gallery
  • On film, Dracula refers to the howling wolves as "the children of" this
  • It's Thursday & I had to work 16 hours today! Guess I'll pray to Nyx, the Greek goddess of this
  • Bring candles--it's for TBTN, "Take Back" this
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the brightly-lit nighttime streets of New York.) John Rechy wrote, "I would think of America as one vast city of" this "stretching gaudily from Times Square"
  • By Maurice Sendak:"In the ____ Kitchen"
  • "Tyger! Tyger! burning bright in the forests of the ____"
  • It falls daily(5)