

A nightmare is a ream which causes a strong unpleasant emotional response from the sleeper, typically fear or horror, being in situations of extreme danger, or the sensations of pain, falling, drowning or death. Such dreams can be related to physical causes such as a high fever, or psychological ones such as psychological trauma or stress in the sleeper's life, or can have no apparent cause. If a person has experienced a psychologically traumatic situation in life—for example, a person who may have been captured and tortured—the experience may come back to haunt them in their nightmares. Sleepers may waken in a state of distress and be unable to get back to sleep for some time. Eating before bed, which triggers an increase in the body's metabolism and brain activity, is another potential stimulus for nightmares..

Trivia about nightmare

  • One of mine is being chased by a tyrannosaurus rex, one of yours may be "on Elm Street"
  • I ate curry at bedtime & had one of these in which Richard Simmons & my grandmother chased me through a circus
  • Elm Street dream(9)
  • Eat that 11 p.m. quesadilla & you might have a pesadilla, Spanish for this
  • Knowing that this is Casper's ghost horse may cause you to lose some sleep