

Acnistus Alona Anisous Anthocercis Atropa (deadly nightshade) Browallia Brugmansia (angel's trumpet) Brunfelsia Calibrachoa Capsicum (peppers) Cestrum Chamaesaracha Combera Crenidium Cuatresia Cyphanthera Cyphomandra Datura (jimsonweed) Duboisia Fabiana Hyoscyamus (henbane) Iochroma Juanulloa Lycianthes Lycium (boxthorn) Mandragora (mandrake) Mellissia (St. Elena boxwood) Methysticodendron Nicandra Nicotiana (tobacco) Nierembergia or cupflower Nolana Petunia Physalis (cape gooseberry, ground-cherry, tomatillo) Przewalskia Quincula Salpichroa Salpiglossis Saracha Schizanthus Schwenckia Scopolia Sessea Solandra Solanum (tomato, potato, eggplant) Streptosolen Trianaea Vestia Withania

Trivia about nightshades

  • Any of the various plants of the family Solanaceae; some may be "deadly"
  • Petunias belong to this scientific family, as do tomatoes and bell peppers

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