norwalk virus


Norovirus (was "Norwalk-like viruses"), an RNA virus of the Caliciviriae taxonomic family, causes approximately 90% of epidemic non-bacterial outbreaks of gastroenteritis around the world, and is responsible for 50% of all foodborne outbreaks of gastroenteritis in the US. Norovirus affects people of all ages. The viruses are transmitted by faecally contaminated food or water and by person-to-person contact.

Tweets about norwalk virus

  • RT @dragonflybsd: Lazy Reading for 2014/07/06: I was out sick for a few days this week (Norwalk virus ain't fun), and so t...
  • Lazy Reading for 2014/07/06: I was out sick for a few days this week (Norwalk virus ain't fun), and so t...
  • @jaimelmcintyre @Nostradamnisuck @DavidicLineage @Corey_Feldman ok twice...but the second time I had Norwalk virus ...also not my fault 💁