

Nothing is a concept that escribes the lack or absence of anything at all. Colloquially, the concept is often used to indicate the lack of anything relevant or significant, or to describe a particularly unimpressive thing, event, or object. It is contrasted with something and everything. There is also the concept in Eastern philosophy which is called 'nothingness' It is characterized by an egoless state of being, in which one can see the true relation of one's own small part in the cosmos.

Trivia about nothing

  • Zip, nada, el zilcho
  • "Blessed is the man who expects" this, "for he shall never be disappointed"
  • "The only thtng necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do" this
  • According to the Random House Dictionary, it's what you add to "bison" to get its plural
  • Heidegger said the most basic question in philosophy is "why is there something rather than" this
  • Tao's tenet of wuwei is to "do" this, something Seinfeld could handle
  • Paul McCartney wears this on his left foot on the cover of "Abbey Road"
  • Colorado:"Nil sine numine", translated as this "without providence"
  • "Blessed is he who expects" this, "for he shall never be disappointed"
  • Edmund Burke supposedly said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do" this
  • Instead of "Much Ado About" this, the troubadour theater company presented "Much Adoobie Brothers About" this
  • Nada(7)
  • The "nihil" in floccinaucinihilipilification suggests it means to judge something as worth this

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