nursing as a profession


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Tweets about nursing as a profession

  • @AndreaTWDC @Chall94509 I've been meaning to ask you both this out of curiosity: Why did you choose nursing as a profession?
  • RT @NurseSake: Considering #nursing as a profession? Don't just talk to a #nurse, talk to a current #nursingstudent!
  • RT @joan_myers: @lauraserrant: We are good at defending patients and communities but not good at defending nursing as a profession #cnosumm…
  • @lauraserrant: We are good at defending patients and communities but not good at defending nursing as a profession #cnosummit @NHSEngland
  • Considering #nursing as a profession? Don't just talk to a #nurse, talk to a current #nursingstudent!
  • @lexisanderlin heyyy thanks mamacita. I'm just in desperate need of reminder as to why I chose nursing as a profession lol 😂
  • say this! RT @MrLawson: @SteveTwerkel who tf is slandering nursing as a profession? Don't they know that doctors diagnose and nurses treat?
  • RT @MrLawson: @SteveTwerkel who tf is slandering nursing as a profession? Don't they know that doctors diagnose and nurses treat?
  • @SteveTwerkel who tf is slandering nursing as a profession? Don't they know that doctors diagnose and nurses treat?
  • Nursing As a Profession.