

The wor occipital refers to several areas of the human body in the occiput, the rear of the skull:

Trivia about occipital

  • The spinal cord passes through a large opening in this bone at the back of the skull
  • This adjective refers to the rear lobe of the brain

Found pages about occipital

Tweets about occipital

  • Tenéis problemas severos en la zona occipital. Moriréis con toda seguridad sin sepelio.
  • Just got back from my #cortisone shot into my greater and lesser occipital nerves. Fun times! #occipitalneuralgia #nopainnogain
  • @OneDopeChica The Theta-One waves in your occipital lobe are remarkably active. #Fringe
  • @occipital hi thinking of using @structure to take scans of feet and casts to 3d print orthoses, what to see if the scanner can do it
  • RT @QuizMeAnat: Which branch of which nerve supplies the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle? https://t.co/deqiAvbcre #trivia
  • Gaga to! Tadyakan kita sa occipital lobe eh
  • RT @OyeBenny: The cerebellum - the occipital lobe's beanbag.
  • El día que quiera cocinar es porque estoy hasta el occipital de amor. No sé si quiero que llegue ese momento. Estoy confundida...
  • @puppyoppa @bottomho occipital bounce
  • @blondeonew occipital bounce or something like that
  • The cerebellum - the occipital lobe's beanbag.
  • @OSWreview Thanks to your podcast, I correctly named the occipital bone at work today when someone asked what the back of the head was.
  • My occipital lobe be like " I'm in great condition, no need for specs atm. " .... HUHU THANK U. :(((
  • Northern pike arctic circle fishing 3 weeks after you removed occipital nerves for severe headache/neck pain. Tx...
  • RT @MDWobotics: @ZitiZen_Caine The Theta-One waves in your occipital lobe are remarkably active. #Fringe
  • @ZitiZen_Caine The Theta-One waves in your occipital lobe are remarkably active. #Fringe
  • @occipital I have dropped you an email with some screenshots of my issue with uplink. Fingers crossed I am just missing something simple
  • @SophieA75 occipital lobe : I'm watching telly lol x
  • Os atlas "@QuizMeAnat: What is the name of the vertebra that articulates with the occipital condoyles of the skull to allow for... https
  • AO 環椎後頭骨の Atlanto-Occipital アトラント オクシピタル
  • I guess at a certain time of night/morning some parts of people minds have trouble functioning. Specifically the occipital and frontal lobe
  • @xhiraz ¿Y tú occipital? Jajajaja tequiero😘
  • WebMD says I have occipital neuralgia
  • パターンのOccipital Structure Sensor、TOFのインテルDS325(名前が変わりすぎるので、もうこれでええわ)とは異質なDepthを返してきますね。屋外でも、そこそこ撮れるような雰囲気ですが、まだ自信はないです。
  • orz....(書き直し版) Occipital Structure Sensor、やはり手持ち3Dスキャナーとして特化してる....発光パターンと画像処理....ような雰囲気で、固定状態でDepth画像を得るという方向には使えなさそうです。
  • Guys it's too cute, my occipital love stopped working
  • Occipital
  • Occipital Strucutre Sensor、光源が強力すぎで、ベリーニアフィールドは捨ててきてるような感じですね。光源とカメラの視差によるオクルージョンは、予想外にでかい。
  • PrimeSenseのCapri って、組み込み用でユニットにはアクティブ光源そのものは含まれてない=ベンダー実装と思っていたんですが、そのCapriを採用しているはずの Occipital Strucutre Sensor、電源内蔵でめちゃくちゃ強力な光源を採用してるみたい。
  • ...but first, let me take a #3D #selfie 🌚 @leahtard529 ❤️ #3dfam #3dprinting #3dscanning #occipital…
  • @leahtard529 bust from the right. #3dprinting #3dscanning #3dfam #occipital #structuresensor #hod #corq
  • @leahtard529 bust (giggity) from@the left. #3dprinting #3dscanning #3dfam #occipital #structuresensor…
  • Quick clean up on @leahtard529 ...❤️ #3dprinting #3dscanning #3dfam #occipital #structuresensor #day2…
  • Time for some support removal... 🌚 #3dprinting #3dscanning #3dfam #occipital #structuresensor #day2…
  • RT @JuanJose757: @UnJorgeDice Y occipital, parietal, frontal, etc etc.
  • @UnJorgeDice Y occipital, parietal, frontal, etc etc.
  • First #3Dprint from the #Occipital #StructureSensor of @leahtard529 #staytuned 😄 #3dfam #3ddesign…
  • @CarlitosGutie frontal? Parietal? Occipital?
  • RT @Cuurio: Weird fun // @itSeez3D uses @occipital's @structure sensor to make iPad selfies 3D – @sarahbuhr bravely demonstrates!
  • La flaca que fue con su vestido blanco y rubia hasta el área occipital a la verb,me ha agregado, ya no puedo criticar constructivamente, no?
  • 日本語:後頭骨 英語:Occipital bone ラテン語:os occipitale
  • RT @nobodyasgeorge: Te voy a consentir el lóbulo occipital @Maferangels @LinaSolano10
  • @lisspereira este pobre hombre tiene un trastorno de la corteza occipital por que ve feo lo bonito y viceversa, un abrazo amiga
  • @kevin_mullet this looks cool -
  • Te voy a consentir el lóbulo occipital @Maferangels @LinaSolano10
  • Weird fun // @itSeez3D uses @occipital's @structure sensor to make iPad selfies 3D – @sarahbuhr bravely demonstrates!
  • @ARCadeMB have you had a chance to use your occipital sensor yet? How do you find the quality and accuracy? wanted to get some opinions.
  • RT @BPCMakerClub: Cool! RT @occipital: What secrets are hidden inside the @Oculus DK2? Our Structure Sensor uncovered a surprise. https://…
  • wikiより 後頭骨(こうとうこつ、英名 Occipital bone) 頭蓋骨の後下部を構成する骨の一つであり、哺乳類における、脳頭蓋後部を形成する骨である。形状は皿状台形で歪曲しており、大後頭孔と呼ばれる大きな楕円形の開口部が特徴的に見られる。発生学的には膜性骨とされる。
  • @360Panorama uploads aren't going well today - the API reports 500 error on