

An omphalocele is a type of abominal wall defect in which the intestines, liver, and occasionally other organs remain outside of the abdomen in a sac because of a defect in the development of the muscles of the abdominal wall.

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Tweets about omphalocele

  • "@D_amilare: Gastroshisis and omphalocele...always mix that shiii up"
  • Gastroshisis and omphalocele...always mix that shiii up
  • At -- Kayden Elijah Knickle was born on June 3, 2012, with an Omphalocele (where some organs remain outside the ...
  • Kayden Elijah Knickle was born on June 3, 2012, with an Omphalocele (where some organs remain outside…
  • omphalocele
  • RT @JogjaUpdate: #help | gol darah A, 3 kantong u/ Queenzia usia 1bln, pasien Ruptur Omphalocele di NICU RSUP Dr. Sardjito | 081911121888
  • @JogjaUpdate: #help | gol darah A, 3 kantong u/ Queenzia usia 1bln, pasien Ruptur Omphalocele di NICU RSUP Dr. Sardjito | 081911121888
  • "@bfojogja #help | gol darah A, 3 kantong u/ Queenzia 1bln, pasien Ruptur Omphalocele di NICU RSUP Dr. Sardjito | 081911121888"
  • RT @keJogja: #help | gol darah A, 3 kantong u/ Queenzia usia 1bln, pasien Ruptur Omphalocele di NICU RSUP Dr. Sardjito | 081911121888
  • RT @BeritaSleman: #bantu @almas_suherwan: gol darah A, 3 kantong u/ Queenzia usia 1bln, pasien Ruptur Omphalocele di NICU RSUP Dr. Sardjito…
  • #help | gol darah A, 3 kantong u/ Queenzia usia 1bln, pasien Ruptur Omphalocele di NICU RSUP Dr. Sardjito | 081911121888