orchid mantis


Hymenopus coronatus (known by a variety of common names incluing Malaysian orchid mantis, Malaysian orchid praying mantis, pink orchid mantis and orchid mantis) is a mantis from Malaysian, Indonesian, and Sumatran rain forests. These mantises thrive in humid, warm areas of south Asian rain forests. These mantises can be found on papaya trees, orchids, or frangipani trees with flowers. In captivity, the nymph's diet can consist mainly of fruit flies, but they will eat other small insects. Adults will eat anything they can catch, this includes small lizards, bees without stingers, house flies, butterflies, moths and other non-venomous flying insects. Although primarily carnivorous, orchid mantises have been observed eating little bits of banana, this behavior is thought to balance the mantis's vitamin intake through the juices of the banana (which are rich in potassium).

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