

Osiris (Greek language, also Usiris; the Egyptian language name is variously transliterate Asar, Aser, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, or Ausare) is the Egyptian god of life, death, and fertility.

Trivia about osiris

  • This Egyptian god's many burial places were considered sacred ground
  • Egyptians studied The Book Of The Dead to help them get past this presiding god into paradise
  • He had a wife, Isis & an evil brother, Set, who was sometimes represented as an ass
  • The Egyptian falcon god Horus avenged the death of his father, this god of the dead, by killing the evil god Set
  • Set, the evil brother of this Egyptian god, tricked him into lying down in a chest; it became his coffin
  • You definitely wanted to be on the good side of this god when you went to the other side
  • This Egyptian god was the brother & husband of Isis
  • Egyptian:SRS
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from Giza, Egypt.) Once entombed in a pyramid, a dead king became identified with this god of the underworld, Horus's father
  • His cult centers included Abydos in upper Egypt & Busiris in lower Egypt
  • Paradise in the Egyptian afterlife was in this god's "field of reeds"