ottoman empire


The Ottoman Empire (1299–1923) (Ol Ottoman Turkish: دولت عالیه عثمانیه Devlet-i Âliye-yi Osmâniyye, Late Ottoman and Modern Turkish: Osmanlı Devleti or Osmanlı İmparatorluğu), was a multi-ethnic and multi-religious Turkish-ruled state. The state was known as the Turkish Empire or Turkey by its contemporaries. (See the other names of the Ottoman State.) It was succeeded by the Republic of Turkey, which was officially proclaimed on October 29, 1923.

Trivia about ottoman empire

  • In 1541 Charles led a doomed naval campaign to take Algiers from this Turkish empire
  • Having succeeded his brother Mustafa II, Ahmed III was this empire's sultan & would remain so until 1730
  • The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary & this empire
  • One of the 3 large empires of 19th century Eastern Europe was this "Sick Man"
  • Muhammad Ali, an officer in this empire's army, drove the French out of Egypt in 1801 & became the country's ruler
  • The Osmanli Empire became known as this in English
  • Serbs hold Kosovo dear because they lost a 1389 battle there to this empire
  • In 1574 this empire began 3 centuries of control in Tunisia, appointing beys, or rulers, to govern the country
  • This empire came to an end in 1922 when Sultan Mehmed VI was deposed
  • Tripoli pasha Yusuf Karamanli managed to keep his throne until 1835, when this empire again took over
  • After a hard day of conquering, Mehmed II, leader of this empire, probably liked to put his feet up & relax
  • By murdering all his brothers around 1413, Mehmed I took power as the fifth ruler of this empire
  • By 1300 Amman had disappeared; it was resettled by this empire in 1878 & grew from there
  • David Ben-Gurion went to the U.S. in 1915 when this empire exiled Zionists from Palestine
  • This empire's fleet was defeated in the 1571 Battle of Lepanto
  • Abd-ul Aziz was this Empire's sultan
  • In the 4th century Greece became a part of the Byzantine Empire; about 1,100 years later it became part of this empire
  • In 1823 Byron gave 4,000 pounds of his own money to the Greek fleet to prepare it for war against this occupying empire
  • For nearly 4 centuries, what is now the Topkapi Palace Museum was the residence of this empire's sultans
  • Sultan Mehmed VI
  • This empire lost nearly all of its European territories during the Balkan Wars of 1912 & 1913
  • Around 1365 Adrianople became the capital of this empire; Constantinople replaced it in 1453
  • This empire began around 1300 & lasted until 1922
  • The White Tower in Greece was once called the "Bloody Tower" because this empire executed people there
  • In 1812 Serbia was pushing for independence from this empire under Sultan Mahmud II
  • From 1638 until World War I, Iraq was under the rule of this empire
  • In 1830 Serbia gained full autonomy from this empire
  • In 1711 Ahmed Karamanli founded his own dynasty in Libya after breaking it away from this Muslim empire's control
  • Deposed in 1922, Mehmed VI was this empire's last sultan
  • Mehmed VI, the last sultan of this empire, was forced to abdicate in 1922
  • At the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, a European alliance crushed this empire's navy under Ali Pasha
  • Called the "Sick Man of Europe" in the early 20th century, this empire collapsed just after WWI
  • This empire seized the Acropolis in 1458 & raised a minaret on the site
  • Pow! Kaboom! Russian explosive shells destroyed this empire's ships in Crimea in 1853
  • This empire lost Ankara in 1402, but got it back the next year
  • The first important Bulgarian novel was Ivan Vazov's "Under the Yoke"--this empire's yoke