

The nail isease paronychia (commonly misidentified as a synonym for felon or whitlow, the latter two of which refer to a deep space infection of the distal end of a digit) is an often tender bacterial or fungal infection where the nail and skin meet at the side or the base of a finger or toenail. It can start suddenly (acute paronychia) or gradually (chronic paronychia).

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Tweets about paronychia

  • Not sure if this is a felon or paronychia at this point. I hate having just enough medical knowledge to annoy me #premed
  • Hati-hati dengan kebiasaan menggigit kuku ya, Teman! Biisa menyebabkan paronychia, infeksi di kulit sekitar kuku, dan demam lho..
  • Kok bisa paronychia sih[]
  • Paronychia call forth on behalf of hard jobs: ctGBvA
  • yup, paronychia nya genap 1 bulan!
  • Course trendy scotland august retrench organic remains as regards autochthon steam room reports paronychia-der...
  • @shower777 病名で言うと爪周囲炎だ 黄色ブドウ球菌が原因 テキスト調べてきたわw
  • Orang yg punya kebiasaan menggigit kuku akan menderita infeksi yang disebut paronychia, yaitu berupa abrasi di sekitar kulit kuku.
  • For how many days should you put up with paronychia before you can reasonably see a GP about it? It's been 10 days so far...
  • RT @mybeautyjourney: 2. Orang yg punya kebiasaan menggigit #kuku juga akan menderita paronychia atau abrasi di sekitar kulit kuku.
  • 2. Orang yg punya kebiasaan menggigit #kuku juga akan menderita paronychia atau abrasi di sekitar kulit kuku.
  • friendly advice: don't bite your hangnails off because you will get paronychia & it will be painful 😖