

Patton can refer to:

Trivia about patton

  • This “Best Picture” of 1970 was based in part on the memoirs of General Omar Bradley
  • Francis won his first Oscar for co-writing this 1970 film biography starring George C. Scott
  • At the beginning of this film, George C. Scott addresses his troops in front of a huge American flag
  • Title character who says, "Rommel, you magnificent bastard...I read your book!"
  • 1970George C. Scott as this general
  • A controversial U.S. general
  • 1970:"I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country"
  • Ettelbruck, Luxembourg has a monument to this U.S. general known as "Old Blood and Guts"; he liberated it
  • At Dr. Clark's school we applaud the young man's almost military discipline, but he can't go slapping other boys
  • Benjamin D. Wilson, an early mayor of Los Angeles, was the grandfather of this general, "Old Blood and Guts"
  • (Jon of the Clue Crew reports from a field at West Point, NY.) This West Point grad went on to become a four-star general, & once declared, "It is as natural for me to be a soldier as it is to breathe"
  • 1970: "They'll lose their fear of the Germans. I only hope to God they never lose their fear of me"
  • This slaphappy general's memoir "War As I Knew It" appeared in 1947, 2 years after his death
  • When you rent this 1970 biopic, watch for Tim Considine as the soldier who gets slapped
  • The U.S. Army's M-1 Abrams tank replaced the M-60 that bore the name of this tank commander
  • 1970:"There's only 1 proper way for a professional soldier to die: the last bullet of the last battle of the last war"

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