

The Pecan (Carya illinoinensis, commonly misspelle illinoensis) is a species of hickory, native to south-central North America, in the United States from southern Iowa, Illinois and Indiana east to western Kentucky and western Tennessee, south through Oklahoma, Arkansas, to Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana; and in Mexico from Coahuila south to Jalisco and Veracruz.

Trivia about pecan

  • Albany, Georgia has an annual festival devoted to this nut, a type of hickory
  • A member of the hickory family, this nut is popular in a Southern pie
  • When I think of this state tree of Texas, I get hungry for pralines
  • "Craig Claiborne's Southern Cooking" recipes including Dixie, Georgia & bourbon versions of this classic pie
  • You might think Georgia would have chosen this tree as its state tree, but it didn't; Texas did
  • Used in pralines & widely grown in the South, it's also Texas' state tree
  • This nutty tree of the South is the largest of the hickories

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