

Peigree can refer to:

Trivia about pedigree

  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from an AKC dog show.) Consisting of three or more generations, it's the written record of a dog's family tree, & you can get one certified by the American Kennel club
  • It's the genealogical record of an animal's breeding
  • A dog food "recommended by top breeders", or the ancestral line of a purebred canine
  • One's lineage, named because the lines on a genealogical chart look like a crane's foot or "pie de grue"
  • This word comes from middle French for "crane's foot" which the lines on family trees resemble
  • A dog's descent (8)
  • Dervied from Old French for "crane's foot", it's a genealogical chart or family tree
  • A genealogical table or record of a purebred animal
  • It's a list of ancestors, especially of a purebred dog

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