

In higher vertebrates, the peritoneum is the serous membrane that forms the lining of the abominal cavity — it covers most of the intra-abdominal organs. It is composed of a layer of mesothelium supported by a thin layer of connective tissue.

Tweets about peritoneum

  • RT @pembinaanphbifk: @MhdAnggi06 ini lebih ke bagian anatomi dk, mrk sndiri kantong yg dbntuk lmbrn peritoneum :) #examcornerRPS
  • @steele_yourman just whip out a diagram of the body, peritoneum and all
  • And Ican now make really complicated sounding sentences like the parietal pleura is superior to the parietal peritoneum on the sagital plane
  • RT @fatinhamimy: which can cause obstruction and infertility . infection may spread into the peritoneum and involve the ovaries .
  • which can cause obstruction and infertility . infection may spread into the peritoneum and involve the ovaries .
  • If the internal bleeding causes blood to spill into the peritoneum, there can be a significant amount of pain with any movement.
  • @MhdAnggi06 ini lebih ke bagian anatomi dk, mrk sndiri kantong yg dbntuk lmbrn peritoneum :) #examcornerRPS
  • TIL that as a consequence of a woman's fallopian tubes being open at their end to the peritoneum (b…
  • حتى اعضاءك لما يحوّطها ال peritoneum من كل حتة بتبقى movable حرة الحركة وانت زيهم الاحتواء من كل الناس اللي بتحبك حيخليك تعرف معنى الحرية
  • Parietal Peritoneum as an Autologous Substitute for Venous Reconstruction in Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery.
  • San man tong peritoneum naka locate uy!
  • "@_NanaDidiRara: @esnemh kiteorang papa bagi test peritoneum 😝😝😝" baru siap lukis yg tu la, pahni ade lagi 😭😭😭
  • Space of Bogros. RT @ShifuPhemmy_MD: What is the name of the potential space superficial to the peritoneum ...
  • @shifuphemmy_md superficial to the peritoneum???
  • What is the name of the potential space superficial to the peritoneum (often) used for manipulation of instruments in laparoscopy
  • RT @urbandictionary: @ughchabong peritonitis: inflammation of the peritoneum, often accompanie...