

In Greek mythology, Persephone (Kore or Cora) was the emboiment of the Earth's fertility at the same time that she was the Queen of the Underworld, the korē (or young maiden), and the parthenogenic daughter of Demeter—and, in later Classical myths, a daughter of Demeter and Zeus. In the Olympian version she also becomes the consort of Hades when he becomes the deity that governs the underworld.

Trivia about persephone

  • Roman myths called Hades' wife Proserpina, while the Greeks knew her by this name
  • In Greek myth this wife of Hades came up every year for a reunion with her mother, Demeter
  • Patricia Storace titled her 1996 book on travels in Greece "Dinner with" this goddess of the underworld
  • Daughter of Zeus & Demeter
  • This daughter of Zeus & Demeter made regular trips to Hades
  • Though she was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, this seedy young lady only spent part of the year with them
  • Zeus allowed this underworld goddess to spend part of her time in the world above