pet med


Tweets about pet med

  • Kenya thank u so much for ur concern abt my dog. i.m to poor to fight pet med in cordova tn, it will take an atty....which I can not afford
  • @chatoak hey Pet Med Ctr Chatoak I see that you are tweeting #Ebola, check out for up to the minute Ebola info.
  • @JedediahBila Pet Med says medical emergency - suggests inducing vomiting
  • @NettaLovinMe thats how i was yesterday... i told myself i put in one more pet med i was gonna kirk lmao
  • and who the hell doesn't know they can take their pet med prescriptions elsewhere?
  • @SenSchumer @SenBlumenthal Exactly something I'd expect from you two vapid idiots. Guess my pet med's are going up now along with my own.
  • RT @ctnewsjunkie: Blumenthal at NYC dog park today to talk about pet med monopoly
  • Blumenthal at NYC dog park today to talk about pet med monopoly
  • I realize the pet med link may look suspicious, but I really did post it. It's where I got last order of stuff for our "kids." Great prices!
  • For all you pet lovers out there. You can't beat pet med prices on this site.