pet prescriptions


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Tweets about pet prescriptions

  • Sen. Charles Schumer lobbies to allow pharmacies fill pet prescriptions - Newsday @Newsday why taxed on these???
  • RT @RLibertyfreedom: Really? Dem Senators seek to regulate Pet prescriptions, a top priority for the American people? Insanity in the Senat…
  • Really? Dem Senators seek to regulate Pet prescriptions, a top priority for the American people? Insanity in the Senate! #RedNationRising
  • Should pharmacies fill pet prescriptions? - 13WHAM
  • RT @foxygabrielle: HOLLA for @chuckschumer NY&@SenBlumenthal CT tryng to make pet prescriptns avail at pharmacies so…
  • HOLLA for @chuckschumer NY&@SenBlumenthal CT tryng to make pet prescriptns avail at pharmacies so competitvly priced!
  • RT @Walgreens: Do you have a pet? These cats, Stormy and Winty, get their pet prescriptions filled at Walgreens! @Sh…
  • Do you have a pet? These cats, Stormy and Winty, get their pet prescriptions filled at Walgreens! @ShareRemember
  • RT @News12WC: PET MEDS: Legislation could save pet owners money. Do you support this plan?