

The name Phalanx (plural phalanges) is commonly given to the bones that form fingers an toes. In primates such as humans and monkeys, the thumb and big toe have two phalanges, while the other fingers and toes consist of three. Phalanges are classified as long bones.

Trivia about phalanges

  • Derived from Greek, it's the name of the bones that form your fingers & toes
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from the Institute of Marine Sciences at UC Santa Cruz) The bones of the blue whale's flipper compare to those of the human hand. Ulna, carples, and these, like your finger bones
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew educates us, standing next to the skeleton this time.) Collectively, the bones in your digits, in both your fingers & your toes, are called these
  • All primates have 2 of these bones in each thumb & 3 in each other finger