phil town


Phil Town is a stock market investor an author. He travels frequently in the US teaching stock investing seminars. Mr. Town is frequently described as an outsider to Wall Street, emphasizing his persona as a "regular guy." He is a strong promoter of value investing. In person and it print he often cites famous value investors such as Benjamin Graham and Graham's student Warren Buffet.

Tweets about phil town

  • Planilha de Valuation de Ações com base no livro Regra nº 1 de Phil Town: via @YouTube
  • Planilha de Valuation de Ações com base no livro Regra nº 1 de Phil Town: via @YouTube
  • @kentellis Hey Kent, came across your profile at Phil Town’s page and just dropped by to say “hi”… What keeps you busy?
  • @Fitzsimmons39 Hey Jay, saw your profile at Phil Town’s page.. Whatcha up to today?
  • @n8lewisyo Hey Nate, came across your profile at Phil Town’s page and just dropped by to say “hi”… What keeps you busy?
  • @Colorado_Ron Hey ron, saw your profile at Phil Town's page.. 100% agree.. What keeps you busy these days..
  • @way_mun Hey Ray, came across your profile at Phil Town’s page and just dropped by to say “hi”… What keeps you busy?
  • Da Nu Flava Crew With the Added OOHH Phil-Town coming through Now here's what we gonna do #DNF4EVER…
  • Invest like Phil Town based on his book Rule#1. Now +174,47%. #paybacktime @Phil_Town
  • 週15分の株式投資で大金持ちになる!―ルールNo.1投資法 フィル タウン、Phil Town、... 評価 4.7
  • Invest like Phil Town based on his book Rule#1. Now +173,59%. #paybacktime @Phil_Town
  • @morganluchhee Bro, I'm soooo college that I might start telling people that I'm from Phil-town
  • 週15分の株式投資で大金持ちになる!―ルールNo.1投資法 フィル タウン、Phil Town、... 評価 4.7 とはいえ、強く推奨する本であることは間違いな
  • I am so excited to recommend Rule #1 by Phil Town. I am blessed to call Phil a friend and mentor. I had the...
  • I am so excited to recommend Rule #1 by Phil Town. I am blessed to call Phil a friend and mentor. I had the opportunity to spend over 2...
  • The Daily Echo: September 2014 Book of the Month: Rule #1 by Phil Town. August 31, 2014: via @YouTube
  • RT @MariSmith: Listening to the amazing Phil Town, investment guru, @Rule1_Investing at @RogerHamilton’s #MMPC2014! I’m up next! 😊👍