

In grammar, a phrase is a group of wors that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence.

Trivia about phrase

  • Before you "coin" one of these, know it's from the Greek for "to speak"

Tweets about phrase

  • J'ai dit je voulais aller en jupe a Paris avec mon cousin, a peine j'ai finis ma phrase, il ma giflée, c'est quoi cette violence mdr
  • RT @ColuchePhrases_: Les filles quand tu les fixes elles aiment trop dire cette Phrase " ARRETE TU MEE STRESSE LAAA ".
  • RT @CorbettMath: “@ColuchePhrases_: Les filles quand tu les fixes elles aiment trop dire cette Phrase " ARRETE TU ME STRESSE LAAA ".”
  • RT @Gonzagonza_: " Bloqué 💕🔒🔐 " putain cette phrase.......... J'en est ma claque !!
  • @Leenrouleiiy Énorme la phrase
  • RT @Maman_bilede: La phrase la plus dite en Chine: "J'ai l'impression de t'avoir déjà vu quelque part"..
  • RT @emelinewd: “@ColuchePhrases_: Les filles quand tu les fixes elles aiment trop dire cette Phrase " ARRETE TU MEE STRESSE LAAA ".” @Mi…
  • @vansco007 @SAPEUH @fifaworldcup_fr ou pas c quoi cette phrase de gros fragile je disais ca en cm1 mdr
  • RT @PleinDeBetise: La phrase la plus connue en Chine "Excuse moi je t'ai pris pour quelqu'un d'autre."
  • still have a headache from seeing and hearing the phrase 'merica'
  • rt si quand tu mets mdrr dans une phrase ton visage est aussi expressif qu'une pierre tombale
  • And @RyanKelly34 continues his summer phase/phrase of "it doesn't have a 'no dogs' sign" #DugStillIsntAllowedThough
  • lmao Lay's team cheer is "we are all small proud people!" which was the phrase Lay used to introduce himself at the start lmfao ㅋㅋ
  • C'est quoi cette phrase "On est pas ensemble mais t'es a moi" ? C'est comme si je disait j'ai un iPhone 5 mais il est au magasin..
  • "Get on the line." - The worst possible phrase to come out of a coaches mouth
  • When I was a kid I NEVER understood the phrase " Freedom Isn't Free " now I do.. $alute to the men and women fighting for this country 🇺🇸🎉👏👏
  • So the phrase used to be 'Bend it like Beckham.' And what alliteration would describe Luiz' marvel? My entry: 'Loop it like Luiz'
  • Les filles quand tu les fixes elles aiment trop dire cette Phrase : "ARRETE TU MEE STRESSE LAAA".
  • Hakuna Matata the term used in Disney movie Lion King is actually a Swahili phrase which means “there are no worries”.
  • "Qui ne tente rien n'a rien" cette phrase me pousse a faire des truc de ouf
  • Phrase culte matin de Thierry Lepaon, Secrétaire Gal de la CGT : "la CGT n'a jamais empêché personne de travailler"
  • "I'm used to it" is probably the saddest four word phrase you could hear a person say.
  • The word "Goodbye" is a contraction of the phrase "God Be With You".
  • @TwinBrick "Life's a garden - dig it" the movie in which a t-shirt w/ this phrase appeared.
  • "Le Sommeil est important" ! Ma Phrase Préf
  • RT @UnusualFactPage: Hakuna Matata the term used in Disney movie Lion King is actually a Swahili phrase which means “there are no worries”.
  • Letter, word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, chapter, act, novel. The smallest of these become the largest, one at a time.
  • RT @yaayax93: @WalidOrg oooh mon bbe arrete de dire des phrase cmsa g mal o 💝 apres
  • @WalidOrg oooh mon bbe arrete de dire des phrase cmsa g mal o 💝 apres
  • 'Throwing shade' is my favorite phrase.
  • Réfléchissez vos phrase avant de les tweeters. 😪
  • Quizás sea lo único que recibas. #Phrase
  • RT @poetrybunker: The phrase "jam session" bothers me. I dislike it very much and everything it implies. Don't jam near or around me, pleas…
  • RT @w_h_thompson: July 4th PSA: If the phrase, "hold my beer and watch this…", is uttered, be ready to laugh at someone else's misfortune &…
  • @_odane yeah but with Steve Nash, the phrase "age is just a number" can actually apply
  • @Levit0 It always ends with the phrase "Fuck you."
  • RT @Niddate: "Plus j'apprend, plus je me rend compte de mon ignorance." mais cette phrase en religion elle est véridique c'est trop mon res…
  • RT @SimaNotes: Spanish phrase of the day: "Un solo idioma nunca es suficiente" = "One language is never enough" #spanisheverydamnday #spani…
  • Can we all agree that anyone who uses the phrase "woo woo" will be tarred and feathered?
  • .@rogbennett Can I use "Kung Fu Fighting America" as my new catch phrase, or is it copyrighted?
  • "Sometimes a single phrase of testimony can set events in motion that affect someone's life for eternity." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • @IsmaaAuuber93 mdrrrrrrrrrr azi tg jvais dormir jsuis fatiguée et de lire tes phrase sortis tt droit du maroc me fatigue encore plussssssss
  • All time favorite phrase...
  • RT @UnderCJ: Hakuna Matata, what a trademarked phrase… #AmericanizeAMovieQuote @midnight
  • RT @supricky06: I heard this phrase a lot when I was in Europe
  • Hakuna Matata, what a trademarked phrase… #AmericanizeAMovieQuote @midnight
  • I'm earning #mPOINTS Rewards in What's The Phrase Android.
  • I truly hate the phrase 'turn down for what'
  • RT @kbrobinson20: Wait. My bestfriend just used the phrase "ball fro" and "kitchen machinery" in the same sentence. @savannahspoon