

Pneumonia is an inflammatory illness of the lung. Frequently, it is escribed as lung parenchyma/alveolar inflammation and abnormal alveolar filling with fluid. (The alveoli are microscopic air-filled sacs in the lungs responsible for absorbing oxygen from the atmosphere.) Pneumonia can result from a variety of causes, including infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, and chemical or physical injury to the lungs. Its cause may also be officially described as idiopathic—that is, unknown—when infectious causes have been excluded.

Tweets about pnuemonia

  • Never thought my baby would have Pnuemonia an breathing problems
  • @DoubleOTRadio @BucsBrief i have pnuemonia. Will not be able to go. Get giants fan runner up. ?? Sorry. Very sorry.
  • @coolsometimes i had pnuemonia every year from when i was like 4 until i was 10
  • so my little brother has pnuemonia:(
  • @cabell Pnuemonia and at ER
  • @wrdnrd at ER with Pnuemonia
  • I want my wrist so cold Pnuemonia in my fist.
  • @FingersMalloy but both still better than Coldplay, which is like saying pnuemonia is better than dysentery.
  • I am soaked to the skin and at serious risk of pnuemonia
  • RT @Tell2Famous: pnuemonia? nah I don’t need to see doctor’s for that
  • “@Tell2Famous: pnuemonia? nah I don’t need to see doctor’s for that”😳😷😂
  • pnuemonia? nah I don’t need to see doctor’s for that
  • @lbrennan1985 no Owensy was 'My love has got pnuemonia he had it for a week' instead of 'My love has got no money he got his strong beliefs'
  • @MattFinn20 well that first what i thought was a "cold" got worse led to pnuemonia thn i was hostpitaslized then got plueisy on top of that