

Polonius is a character from William Shakespeare's Hamlet. The character is best known for uttering the immortal wors: "To thine own self be true," as well as a few other phrases still in use today such as "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" and "brevity is the soul of wit."

Trivia about polonius

  • Laertes' dad, he says of Hamlet, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in it"
  • Hamlet fatally stabs this father of Ophelia & Laertes through a curtain
  • This character says, "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" & "To thine own self be true"
  • After mistakingly killing this man, Hamlet describes himself as "Cruel only to be kind"
  • Ophelia's pop(8)
  • Zounds! I saw thee not behind that arras! Denmark needeth a new minister to the king! My bad!
  • "Neither a borrower nor a lender be" was this character's advice to his son
  • Thinking this man is the king, Hamlet kills him in Act III, Scene iv
  • Heed this "Hamlet" character's advice that "the apparel oft proclaims the man"
  • It was Hamlet, in the Queen's chamber, stabbing this man through a curtain

Tweets about polonius

  • ...brevity is the soul of wit, and tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes... - Polonius
  • ポローニアス「私がお分かりになりますか?」 ハムレット「もちろんよく知っている。おまえは魚屋だ。」 POLONIUS:Do you know me, my lord? HAMLET:Excellent well. You are a fishmonger. (『ハムレット』より)
  • RT @phantomother: me: hamlet, the tragic prince of denmark you: polonius
  • me: hamlet, the tragic prince of denmark you: polonius
  • @thedigsy It was Polonius.
  • @giantspatula good old Polonius Boloney-us
  • RT @Videos__Vine: Yo me llamo Ralph!... https://t.co/PWnghqejKb
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  • "Lord Polonius: What do you read, my lord? -Hamlet: Words, words, words." Hamlet* William Shakespeare writing room*
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  • Why did Laertes place tariffs on foreign bookcases? - Because Polonius advised him, “This above all else: to thine home shelf be true!“
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