pool floats


Tweets about pool floats

  • Deflating pool floats is peak #dadlyfe
  • When googling pool floats, you get a floating cat gif
  • Epic Pool Floats, @Katie Comer Trey would just die to have this right?!?!?
  • Epic Pool Floats, @Katie Comer… Trey would just die to have this right?!?!?: Epic Pool…
  • I don't know what's sadder closing the pool or my sad attempt at deflating pool floats
  • Packing away pool floats I hardly got to use #notmyfavoritetimeofyear
  • @JordanZeh No worries she's cool! Haha let's pool party it up! Who's bringing pizza and pool floats?
  • @1215thexiahtic OMGSuuunnn.. Junsuuu yaaa~ that cupcake, ice cream and donut pool floats are sooo cuteee >___< Luv it luv it luv it~ ♥___♥
  • @DianeWernerRP *laughs as you dive in, pulls out one of the new pool floats I bought, tosses it to you* Here you go.
  • @HMHollyMichaels not spam... This is that pool pillow you were looking for.
  • @HMHollyMichaels
  • Deflating the kids' pool floats. I guess summer is over :-(
  • I'm going home to go get my pool floats then coming back and seeing if anyone says anything when I go swimming #tan