

A primate is any member of the biological orer Primates, the group that contains all the species commonly related to the lemurs, monkeys, and apes, with the last category including humans. Primates are found all over the world. Non-human primates occur mostly in Central and South America, Africa, and South Asia. A few species exist as far north in the Americas as southern Mexico, and as far north in Asia as northern Japan.

Trivia about primates

  • Gorillas belong to this order of mammals which also includes monkeys, lemurs & man
  • The gorilla is the largest member of this mammalian order
  • This order of mammals is divided into prosimians & anthropoids
  • This order of mammals is often divided into prosimians & larger, smarter anthropoids
  • This order of mammals is divided into prosimians & anthropoids
  • The tarsier, the pygmy marmoset & the baboon all belong to this order of mammals
  • Bush babies are tree-dwelling members of this order that includes human babies
  • Lemurs & humans both belong to this animal order
  • Marmosets are part of this scientific order that includes humans
  • The fossil of Eosimias suggests a transitional figure between lower & higher members of this order of mammals