proteus vulgaris


Proteus vulgaris is a ro-shaped (bacilli) Gram negative bacterium (a chemoheterotroph) that inhabits the intestinal tracts of animals, but it can also be found in soil, stagnant water, standing water, fecal matter, raw meats, and dust. Also called, "P. vulgaris", it is in the Proteobacteria and considered to be pathogenic. In humans, it can cause many different types of infection including: urinary tract infections and wound infections, and is a common cause of sinus and respiratory infections, especially in South East Asia, which can be extremely hard to eradicate in sinus and respiratory tissues.

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  • руфолоу proteus vulgaris при беременности 10 3куо что ето означает?
  • как передается proteus vulgaris?
  • βラクタマーゼ産生菌はYersinia enterocolitica(腸炎エルシニア)、Klebsiella pneumoniae 亜種 pneumoniae (肺炎桿菌)、Citrobacter freundii、Proteus vulgaris
  • #folowback что вызывает proteus vulgaris?
  • вспомнила - на Пролетарской есть магазин (вроде, цветов) с дико веселящим меня названием "Протея56". запах Proteus vulgaris сразу вспоминаю
  • RT @ElCidBarett: We march in spite of Hell, we do, Atrophy, Entropy, and Proteus vulgaris,
  • We march in spite of Hell, we do, Atrophy, Entropy, and Proteus vulgaris,