

Protists (IPA: /ˈproʊtɨst/), Greek protiston -a meaning the (most) first of all ones, are a iverse group of organisms, comprising those eukaryotes that cannot be classified in any of the other eukaryotic kingdoms as fungi, animals, or plants. They are usually treated as the kingdom Protista or Protoctista. Protoctists (or protists) are a paraphyletic grade, rather than a natural, (monophyletic) group, and so do not have much in common besides a relatively simple organization -- either they are unicellular, or they are multicellular without highly specialized tissues. The term protista was coined by Ernst Haeckel in 1866.

Tweets about protists

  • Animalia is so much cooler! what is so great about Protists?? #AnimaliAllTheWay
  • NewPath Learning 14-6724 Protists: Pond Microlife Learning Guide NewPath Learning 14-67...
  • I was a CO2 molecule a very long time ago, but I was forced, like you, into photosynthesis, by algae, which are PROTISTS!
  • Protists: encrypting data since before it was cool : #sorad
  • Outreach event @St_Johns_School by @UoEBiosciences teaching about protists, parasites and microscopy. @UKProtistology
  • Student epiphanies and appreciation while viewing protists with microscopes. #ValueofaGA @USouthFlorida @USFGAU
  • So... ignoring that this apparently contains a bunch of single-celled flagellate protists, it's actually really good.
  • I don't care about protists ok
  • LOL. Es un libro que se llama "Protozoa and other protists", por si se te ofrece. @tiffanyeah_
  • Gr. 11 U Bio: Study for Quiz tmrw! Taxa, nomenclature,bacteria, archaea, protists, viruses.1.3-2.3 text. Hw: p 28 in WB p110#1,2,7,10,13,14
  • Sadya pala yung motile spore-former na yun ? WAAAAAH! PHOTOSYNTHETIC PROTISTS SAGOT KO >____<
  • Me and Andrew learning about protists: "It's weird that there are critters on you when you go swimming" "There are critters on you always"
  • RT @KristineDJP: @jamyaneeh Ah. Nagtatanong kasi ako ng maayos. kung ano ex. ng protists. Protista daw. 😏😂😂
  • @jamyaneeh Ah. Nagtatanong kasi ako ng maayos. kung ano ex. ng protists. Protista daw. 😏😂😂
  • Intestinal protists of medical importance.
  • pm pakistan to agince protists in london dawn news london
  • Ask me the name of protists, I can show or draw you a picture. Show me the picture & I have that "I know this! It''s...Dangitt!
  • @mecktime is it when we say "eukaryotes are plants and fungi, and make up the animal kingdom" because there's also Protists??
  • RT @DaRealMrWithers: @emmapeedmyself @steaKENpotatoes A flagella is a "tail" that Protists use to move. A Volvox is a round type of green …
  • RT @SciGuy3: Gr. 11 U Bio Hmwrk: Complete pg. 28 in wrkbk. Text pg. 110 #1,2,7,10,13,14. Study for Quiz. Bacteria, archaea, protists. …
  • Gr. 11 U Bio Hmwrk: Complete pg. 28 in wrkbk. Text pg. 110 #1,2,7,10,13,14. Study for Quiz. Bacteria, archaea, protists. viruses too.
  • Studied for Protists even though we haven't done Protists???
  • RT @khuusci: Gr. 11 HW. Wb pg. 28 use txt ch. 3.3. For # 6, keep it brief and to the point. P1 quiz tomorrow, protists, viruses, bacteria.
  • Gr. 11 HW. Wb pg. 28 use txt ch. 3.3. For # 6, keep it brief and to the point. P1 quiz tomorrow, protists, viruses, bacteria.
  • Stoooopid single celled protists got to me!!!!
  • @emmapeedmyself @steaKENpotatoes A flagella is a "tail" that Protists use to move. A Volvox is a round type of green algae.
  • @VulgarDaClown For example, have you ever in your life ever heard of what "protists" are?
  • @jhiadc FUNGI AT PROTISTS :)
  • Hey protists, can you have some definitive characteristics #thanks #biostruggles
  • Theres nothing positive about protists and stuff
  • Diversity of Protists: via @YouTube
  • Gr. 11 U Bio Hmwrk: Finish page 27 in workbook on protists. If not finished already, complete text pg.78 #1-5, 8-10, 12 and pg. 83 #1-8.
  • These freshman biology majors are making me question the fate of humanity. "Why learn Protists?" "Bc there's bugs crawling inside every1."
  • Gr. 11 HW Txt. Pg. 83 # 1,5,6,11,12 pg. 86-87 #1,2,4,9,19,20. Answers in back. Quiz on Protists, bacteria, virus, P1 Thursday P2 Friday
  • RT @MsMarro_OA: Can Protists be photosynthetic? #TestHelp #answerthis
  • @_pcyyeol It's an amoeba tho so you prob don't want it in your body since protists are hard to treat.
  • I liked a @YouTube video Introduction to the Protists
  • Can Protists be photosynthetic? #TestHelp #answerthis
  • RT @SciGuy3: Gr. 11 U Bio: Homework read Pg. 72-78. Pg. 78 ques. 1-5, 8-10, 12. Pg. 83 #1-8 Do WB page 27 "protists".
  • Gr. 11 U Bio: Homework read Pg. 72-78. Pg. 78 ques. 1-5, 8-10, 12. Pg. 83 #1-8 Do WB page 27 "protists".
  • Gr. 11 for those away today, use chapter 2.4 to help you fill out pg 27. Today's topic was types of protists.
  • All I can think about is protists and paramecium.
  • These crazy eukaryotic protists have "encrypted genomes" and two nuclei. How on earth? #hopembio #mbionet
  • Eukaryotic Plant, animal, fungi, protists
  • I don't know why I'm avoiding getting started in these protists
  • @kwinkunks I use uppercase if writing kingdom, phylum, etc. (Protista), but not for general and plural (protists). Curious what others say.
  • I read this as “large PROTISTS”! RT @nprscience: Large Protests In Hundreds Of Cities Vents Ire At Climate Change