

Itch (Latin: pruritus) is efined as an unpleasant sensation that evokes the desire or reflex to scratch. Itch has many similarities to pain and both are unpleasant sensory experiences but their behavioral response patterns are different. Pain creates a reflex withdrawal while itch leads to a scratch reflex. Unmyelinated nerve fibers for itch and pain both originate in the skin, however information for them is conveyed centrally in two distinct systems that both use the same peripheral nerve bundle and spinothalamic tract.

Tweets about pruritis

  • Polycythemia vera - a condition where your blood is thicker than normal. Clinical presentation could include pruritis, clotting etc
  • @toxicpath @BibleReloaded @terrybrokebad @nonprophetess Liver failure symptoms? Pruritis, elevated bilirubin, low albumin, ALT/AST, edemas..
  • RT @master_usmle: Polycythemia Rubra Vera (PRV): common symptoms PRV: Plethora/ Pruritis Ringing in ears Visual blurriness
  • @abbag_b @master_usmle: Polycythemia Rubra Vera (PRV): common symptoms PRV: Plethora/ Pruritis Ringing in ears Visual blurriness
  • Polycythemia Rubra Vera (PRV): common symptoms PRV: Plethora/ Pruritis Ringing in ears Visual blurriness
  • Opiates basically has a depression effect: resp depression, hypotension, reduced GIT motility, coma but cause flusing n pruritis etc.
  • Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: intense pruritis and increased serum bile concentrations
  • Who knows exactly what pruritis ani is, and what you can do about it?! No Googling...
  • Been liking $CARA a lot past 2 months, positive data con't to roll in. If Ph2 in uremic pruritis has sign res, this could be big Q115 move.