

Psychosis is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often escribed as involving a "loss of contact with reality." People suffering from it are said to be psychotic.

Trivia about psychosis

  • In vintage psychology talk, anxiety is a type of neurosis; schizophrenia is a type of this -osis
  • It's any type of severe mental illness characterized by hallucinations & delusions

Tweets about psychosis

  • If you want a taste psychosis. Wake up and do Insanity Workout without having had anything to eat, just go all out. You'll forget your name.
  • Ready for psychosis 👍
  • @Mr_Psychosis あるぇ…?なかのひとが強いからかな?
  • @Catalinapby1 @Patriotic_Me @Saamprater There is NOTHING you have tweeted that needs to be studied. Are you sure you don't have psychosis?
  • @j_nofactory 私もへたれとか弱い子とか好きなはずなのに…あれぇ…
  • @yanpuAG じゃれあい始まったwwww
  • followed by mild psychosis
  • The Subject Omar Arellano of Death Plays a Part in Popular Culture
  • handfeeding the psychosis.
  • @framersqool @femfreq I post @AVoiceForMen but I'm not an author.Don't need Sark's psychosis in my feed either. Don't know how others do it.
  • RT @AMANITRENINER: @ARSampe is completely ridiculous,... Her psychosis is entertaining,.. Lol
  • @Mr_Psychosis チートいいじゃんーかっこいいし…自分逆によわキャラしかつくれない…
  • RT @GerardEmershaw: There's a big gap between total psychosis and most mental illnesses. If govt can take away 2A rights based on a diagnos…
  • @tometopool よしきた!
  • @Mr_Psychosis 一緒に戦お!!!
  • @yanpuAG 「更年期の女は……理不尽で怖えからなぁ………」て遠い目をしつつほっぺた抓る!誰が女じゃい!
  • Suffer from psychosis? Taken Aripiprazole? We're looking for young people to share their experiences email:
  • What's happening to Amanda Bynes is not funny. Psychosis is not funny. Losing your mind is not funny. Hearing voices is not funny.
  • That poor wife, w/post partum psychosis, sent off to the snake pit of a mental hospital, never2Bseen again. #TheKnick