publishers clearinghouse


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Tweets about publishers clearinghouse

  • New Lenox: Publishers Clearinghouse Prize Nothing But Bait in Wicked Scam: Cops
  • Publishers Clearinghouse Prize Nothing But Bait in Wicked Scam: Cops
  • Publishers Clearinghouse Prize Nothing But Bait in Wicked Scam: Cops
  • Only Publishers Clearinghouse has more giveaways than #Michigan
  • I wish I could win Publishers Clearinghouse.
  • That lady from Publishers Clearinghouse is pretty.
  • #NeverTrust Publishers Clearinghouse. Because they don't come to these places.
  • @JudgeJeanine Robert Big Rob Brunt/Mary ANN Turner tithes to Comenity Bank/Publishers Clearinghouse&the RICHFIELD,MN Police cleared them
  • @Dunald @repcory Oswald its strange w my credit cards then publishers clearinghouse transaction I dont want my name on nthg re Delores Brunt
  • @VaguelyFunnyDan If one of those invitations is Publishers Clearinghouse, you could have ten MILLION dollars awaiting your response.
  • @KellyScaletta and then that publishers clearinghouse check came
  • @Dat_Saintsfan it was publishers clearinghouse
  • @SumErgoMonstro My Nigerian prince friend says that's Latin for "You just won the Publishers Clearinghouse sweepstakes." @instapundit
  • Yesterday I was informed I won $1,000,000 from Publishers Clearinghouse and today I got an email from Mr. Edwards...
  • Does anyone know anyone who's won publishers clearinghouse #InnerVoiceInAGoodWay
  • @Marvo_J @breakfastclubam I felt like my western union payments should be reversed back to me I sent to publishers clearinghouse
  • @Marvo_J @breakfastclubam I got scammed by publishers clearinghouse& the western union payments were collected now im in debt
  • told Kaye I worked on fundraising today. She asked how many times I entered Publishers Clearinghouse. #oneofthesedaysAlicestraighttothemoon
  • Ima start entering Publishers Clearinghouse. This job is for the dogs.
  • Colin anxiously opens the door, hoping for Publishers' Clearinghouse Prize Patrol. #YR #balloons #flowers
  • @BarackObama @OFA This smacks of Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. Too bad Ed McMahon isn't around to ring some door bells.
  • WTF? Person who waits until I'm on the toilet to knock on the door, better not be Publishers Clearinghouse.
  • @KevinKvasnok12 @CLEWolverine @TheKardiacKid So does winning the publishers clearinghouse sweepstakes. It will all play out by the weekend.
  • @FanGirlMom you never know it might have been publishers clearinghouse with a check to whisk you away. Lol
  • @MillersAP I'm just saying it could've been Publishers Clearinghouse LOL
  • @MillersAP What if it is or was Publishers Clearinghouse and that you've won a million dollars in their sweepstakes LOL!!
  • @davidu @tedr I met someone from Publishers Clearinghouse a few weeks ago. Some people mail in millions of votes a year to win
  • @VealityScoop As soon as I win Publishers Clearinghouse?? ;)